1. What actually happened or you saw:
There is no way to roll back cis configuration to its default.
2. What you wanted to happen or see:
I want to see a button on CIS 8 update or 9 rtm when we click on it the CIS rolls bacl to its default installation configuration, reseting everything, including the reputation list.
You can import a default config but that doesn’t reset everything (like trusted files list etc…) and this would make it much easier to do such a reset.
Additionally each settings page could have its own “Default” button in case you want to reset just a few pages to their defaults.
I’ll go even deeper with this wish.
What about having settings for each section (AV, D+, FW)?
For each of them, three options: reset to default, import settings, export settings.
Like this I could, for example, reset to default only D+, but keep my custom settings for FW