I want to install CIS on my computer but I have a serious problem.
After the installation of the software and the system reboot, i always start a full scan of the entire system (the default full scan preset included with comodo antivirus).
The problem is that the full scan abort automatically after a random amount of time without any explanation: like I have manually stopped it.
After that, at every machine reboot, CIS displays me a notification saying “Internet Security has detected a crash!..bla bla bla…”.
I have already tried to repair installation and also i have tried to fully uninstall and reinstall the entire Comodo software suite (2 times) but I have solved nothing.
If this situation doesn’t get a solution I have to install another antivirus suite…but i like Comodo and i don’t want that!
- if you used other software before of cis, try use uninstaller official of other security software;
- in computer old as my computer (dual core, 4gigas ram…) full scan comes to a halt. In that case, we not have much what to do (other suites stay get even heavier - i allready tested)…
- wait the staff or devs…
CIS V12 System requirements: CIS Installation, Antivirus Protection, Internet Protection| Comdodo Internet Security
Supported OS
Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit supported)
Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit supported)
Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit supported)
Minimum System Requirements
512 MB available RAM
1 GB hard disk space for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions
CPU with SSE2 support
Internet Explorer version 11 or above
I don’t see a reason why CIS V12 AV gets stuck or halted during a full scan on systems with dual core or 4 Gb ram.
CIS V12 is designed to run on systems with at least the above mentioned Minimum System Requirements.
My computer meets minimum system requiriments because it has an intel core i7 3632qm, 6GB of DDR3-1600MHz memory and windows 10 64bit.
I tried to install Comodo after a windows 10 clean installation so I never had a different security suite before.
Before windows 10 clean installation I had Avast antivirus installed but I think it doesn’t mind…
Could this problem be caused by a slow hard disk? My computer has a 2.5" 5200rpm HDD and is a little bit slow…
Hi paolino paperino,
Is there any dump files created at CisDumps folder? If so, could you please provide us those dump files via PM for investigating this issue. C:\ProgramData\Comodo\CisDumps
Yes, I have one dump file. How can I send it to you? It weighs 300Mb…
Compress it to a zip folder or 7zip archive and upload to a file sharing site, or if you have a google drive or onedrive account, then provide the share link.
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