Comodo Internet Security (with Win10 Support) is released!!

Good :-TU

The updater gives error when trying to download the update, it says:
Error: 0x80030201 - The download has been aborted. The file is incomplete.

I’ve seen that there are problems to the COMODO servers.

update only gives me Error: 0x80070057 - Falscher Parameter.

windows 7 sp1 64 bit.

ps: on my windows 10 system the update worked yesterday.

With reference to Peter Pan (and my own interest) - file purging is not in this new build. Sounds like it will be in v9.

Hi guys,

Download links should work now, we have fixed the issue. Please re-check.

Kind Regards

Yes that is correct next major version = CIS 9

Still the installation fails

[attachment deleted by admin]

Does this version disables Windows FW & Defender on Win 10 64?

It disables Defender on my Win10X64 but not the firewall.
I had to disable it manually.

If one installs Comodo FW then Comodo should disable Windows FW.

And I dont think Comodo disabled Windows Defender on your system. I read that if Windows 10 detects third party AV presence on the system then Windows 10 disables Windows Defender. So it seems Windows 10 detected Comodo AV & disabled Windows Defender.

I keep getting errors from Viruscope in Windows Event log:
Too long process chain: pid=3020 m_dwParentPid == 628
Any idea?
I have Windows 10 Pro, the last CIS with Viruscope enable and set on “check only apps in sandbox”

:BNC :-TU 8) :-TU (:CLP)


I am happy to report I have this version FIREWALL ONLY installed on a clean
install of Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit 10240 with all the current updates as well as the
new SR1. This time it did not Disable Windows Defender so I can finally use it.
So Thank You Comodo for a job well done. One thing I noticed is that Search does not
work from the Start Menu ( I have the Search Bar Hidden) not sure if this is just another bug
from Microsoft or something to do with Comodo Firewall.

One thing you can do is open Settings & just start typing your search request.

I want to give you the details of my Comodo Firewall Set up…

I always have the following Turned OFF (Disabled)…

Auto SandBox,HIPS,Viruscope,Everything in File Ratings including Cloud Lookup,
Web Site Filtering, I have Widgets Turned Off as well & No Auto Updates.

I have my Firewall set to Custom Ruleset.

There is still just one disappointment for me… You still have a 216mb Download.
Comodo 5.10 after I extracted the 64bit .exe install file was only 38.1 or so in size.
It was also a great installer because you could say Firewall Only & then after install everything
else would be disabled.

Hopefully you can do this with the next Version 9 Release of Comodo Firewall.
I am not one to whine & complain since it is a very good FREE product.
So I would be willing to PAY For a version of Just the Comodo Firewall with everything above
that I had to disable Removed. If you guys can do this that would be great…Or have Check Boxes
etc. that will have all that stuff disabled after install.

I Disabled the Windows 10 Firewall before Installing Comodo.

After reading all these forum posts I am glad that I am an experienced User,so that
I can actually get some work done & enjoy the Internet instead of wasting countless
hours trying to get Comodo to work right.

Thank You BuketB I look forward to seeing what Comodo 9 has to offer.

Is there something wrong with the Firewall download link? Twice I’ve downloaded it and twice it fails right at the end.

Tests found that if it is a new Windows 10, installing the latest version without any problem. Symantec Endpoint Protection client is installed on the system, then install Comodo will install failed.

Test again, first install the latest version of Comodo and install Symantec Endpoint Protection, can lead to serious errors. Two software cannot coexist, is there is no such problem in the past.

DL links are broken. They just open page with text “Welcome to nginx!”.

why doesn’t the download link work? i just uninstalled CIS, upgraded to win10, and now i can’t download cis so i can reinstall…

guess ill have to download from filehippo.

The download links report

Welcome to nginx!

Thanks, but where are the files??


Hi guys,
I got a small problem with the new version.
I created a thread in the Help part of the forum (

I just wanted a little of your attention, as it is concerning this new version update. If mods want, you can edit or delete the post, if needed.
Thank you.

Getting the error shown in the image trying to install to install the firewall, clean install of windows 10 last night with no other firewall installed, only security apps that are installed are Bitdefender AV+ 2015 & MBAM Pro.

[attachment deleted by admin]

So what I’m getting from here is that it’s better not to install this now if you don’t need it, but that’d actually be my question:

If you don’t have Win 10 and the previous version works well enough, do you need to update to this at all? And if not, is there a way to just choose to ignore it and only get notified if there’s another update of the v8 branch later?

Other than that, and assuming it successfully updates (which seems to be the first issue), did anyone experience anything breaking or no longer working as it used to on Win 7 (32-bit here)?