COMODO Internet Security BETA Released!

are you sure?

Thanks Comodo. :-TU

What Windows version are you using?

Is it not working with you? Are you using a clean or update install? On what Windows version are you?

Thanks for the update :-TU

Auto sandbox rules have changed by default now all unknown files are sandboxed like before. Maybe they will change it back when more bugs are fixed with the origins

You are right. I can confirm this.

Windows 8.1 -64 bit, real system, CIS 8.4314, clean install.

No, I don’t think so. Could you post some screenshots of new related rules? There is still this rule, Location: Any Origin: Internet Action: Run Virtually

Am I right?

Hmm. I’m not at home at the moment but I installed the latest beta before I had to leave for school. I did switch to proactive so maybe the rules are different

I will check it when I get home tonight

Thanks for your good work comodo rocks on stage!

Its working

Thank you very much for your hard working , guys !

Thanks guys :110:

I fail to see what’s flat about it.

Lack of shadows or reflection on the icons, interface, etc.

i tested the lookup with various files and it does seem to be fixed. Lets keep testing it guys

Modern theme is completely flat, not this.

i dont disagree with this but IMO they are both flat with different color schemes

Thanks for the W8 confirmations, keep’em coming! :wink:

Oh, and another thing I forgot to ask, does VirtualBox work now or is there still a virtualization conflict when you try to run the machine?

Lookup was never the problem. Submission was… :wink:

i had problems with both, atleast manual lookup

Thanks Guys