COMODO Internet Security 5.8.210479.2111 RC2 Released! - Updated

Hello Everyone,

Here is the 4th BETA of CIS 5.8 which addresses some bugs and puts a new option.

What’s new in 5.8.209729.2104?

NEW! Enchanced Protection Mode: Defense+ now allows the users to selectively enable/disable new protecton mechanisms
FIXED! CAV crashes on various files when on bad disk sectors
FIXED! Trusted files can not be purged
FIXED! Varirous language related issues

There are many other small fixes in this release.

Enhanced protection mode option was enabled by default in previous BETAs however in this release, we disabled it by default and made available through D+ settings. We will re-enable it by default after some time once we are convinced that it works as expected in 5+ million endpoints at the same time.

What needs to be tested?

The most important features of this BETA are related to HIPS and AV. So the most valuable bugs are the REPRODUCIBLE bugs which are related to system stability issues, compatibility issues, and crashes.

You are more than welcome to test all other features as well. Please if you observe BSODs, give us the memory dumps.

Bug Reports

Please use to report bugs.

Download Location:
Size: 59M ( 61750776 )

[b]Update: We have just updated to the version 5.8.210479.2111 because of a rare issue related to HIPS. Please update your copies if you receive an update notification.

The link is replaced with the link to the latest setup[/b]

Egemen, can you explain a little more bit what is Enchanced Protection Mode and what it gives to us? :slight_smile:

This version appears in the stable changelog , shouldn’t it to be removed? there are more changes since 5.5

+1 Could you clarify AND go a bit more in-depth about this, as also interested to know bit more…

Also well done on another Beta release and getting more bugs out of the way, hopefully this will be last one befoe final bug free (we can only hope) version. :a0

What is this one?


What the Enhanced Protection Mode actually does?


How many people are going to ask the same question in a row?

Not one to exaggerate but I say 1590000

let’s give it a spin…

Comodo is so unprofessional in all this. What all I should mention, you my frds here know all. We all have mentioned here so many times. They just dont care at all.


All what?

What are you talking about? ???

I installed in Virtualbox, enabled enhanced protection mode, and tested against about 20-25 links from malc0de. CIS protected from all of them. :-TU

Note that it isn’t recommended to run CIS inside VirtualBox.

Like giving proper info, update info not mentioned at the time when the update is released, etc.


Well, it worked. I have another PC with VM workstation. Is that better for testing?

CIS protected from all of them when enhanced protection mode was enabled means what…

Does that mean the malware couldn’t run & gave error?

If they were sandboxed & no harm was done then its nothing new I think.


Sure, Egemen could have expanded on the enhanced protection mode, but what proper info has not been given?

And what do you mean by update info not mentioned at the time the update was released? This thread was made when the update was released…

I’m glad to hear it worked. Maybe VirtualBox has fixed the issue that causes CIS not to function properly.

But yes, VMWare is a better platform for testing CIS.

Is there a msi installer available?
If YES, pls. the link.
