COMODO Internet Security 3.11.108364.552 And Bittorrnet 6.2 Not Downloading

I try to download to Microsoft Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (x86) - DVD (English) untouched with Bitorrent 6.2

  1. I have allowed firewall to run.exe of Bitorrent trusted Application
  2. Download doesn’t start when click to start
  3. The firewall has blocked 481 (WTF) intrusion attempts so far

Why is COMODO Blocked so many ports?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Heh, no seeds, no download. :))))))
p.s. And this is just one torrent.Try with several more.

The firewall has blocked 481 (WTF) intrusion attempts so far

Why is COMODO Blocked so many ports?

Yep, no seeds no download, that’s just obvious !!!
But did you noticed on your Bittorrent lower bar that you have a “yellow triangle” with exclamation sign in it ???
That means it is not connected properly and not all ports are visible for the application !!
When you download with a torrent application you must go and open CIS panel and go to Firewall - Common Tasks - Stealth Ports Wizard and choose the middle option, the one that sais “Alert me to incomming connections…” !!! When your download is finished switch back to last option “Block all incoming connections stealth my ports to everyone”.

P.S. From your CIS panel picture I see you have set the av to Statefull but I think you might want to set it to On Access cause when you download torrents you take a major security risk, you don’t know what’s in that torrent so setting the av on Statefull is not a good idea imo !!!

                                                                                                 Be safe !

I use Vuze for my torrent client and have all my ports stealthed. I have no problem connecting. ???