Comodo Internet Security 2020 v12.2.2.7098 Released

Win 10 2004 (21292.1010) x64 Pro
No ploblem.

STATUS: Downloading:
TASK: Download websites database
STATUS: Unspecified error
Check for signature updates Up to date
Check for websites database updates Completed
Download websites database Error
Check for recognizer updates Up to date

INSTALLED VERSION: Comodo Internet Security 2020 v12.2.2.7098

Hey all, I have a question and a problem!

So, when I’m trying to install a driver on my PC, except NVIDIA Driver (as far as I know), I think COMODO is blocking the driver install, because when I uninstalled COMODO AV, the driver install passed through. I want to know if there is another way to turn off COMODO, like a Service, until I install the driver, because reinstalling COMODO is very complicated!

Thanks in advance! ;D

It’s a minor server error. which will usually rectify itself in a short while. Doesn’t affect the CIS functionality

thanks. good to know this. i tried now and message:
STATUS: The networK connection was gracefully closed.
funny! gracefully - adverb - in an attractively elegant way.

Still has an issue installing TAP Adapter for ProtonVPN.

Sounds like it needs installing before CIS as the firewall driver not being installed on the adapter driver. Have you tried installing the vpn and then CIS?

Hey Eric.

Yeah, uninstalling CIS is the only way I can install a ProtonVPN update.

It’s the same for Mullvad and Surfshark as well as Proton. Every update that installs / changes the TAP Adapter needs a CIS uninstall. I’ve got so used to it now it just adds another 5 minutes or so on the update installs :wink:

I would say reasonably, it actually takes more like an extra 15 minutes ontop (cis uninstall, restart, tap uninstall, reinstall, cis install, restart).

Also I would say having to uninstall your security program every time you just want to update your VPN software is not a good experience. It needs fixing.

Just a thought but have you tried manually adding the service to the adapter after the update? See attached. Just as a potential workaround if it works.

Very good idea! Will give it a try next time and report back. :slight_smile:

Check if version is mistakenly detecting the installer Shadow Defenderas a Trojan, when scanning. Version is unresponsive, as is CCAV.
The Valkyrie indicates that the file is clean.


Shadow Defender downloaded from the official site. VT clean. Valkyrie clean. Comodo trojan detection.

virustotal and valkyrie do not unpack executables so you would need to unpack and scan the unpacked version of the file, which is deteted but is most likely a false positive.

I want to know if there is another way to turn off COMODO, like a Service, until I install the driver, because reinstalling COMODO is very complicated!
WOW, Uninstalling Comodo just to install something is a horrible idea. Anytime Comodo gives you a issues like that or windows update, just disable "HIPS" (If your using HIPS) and "AUTO CONTAMINATION" Then Install whatever it is, when done installing, turn on "HIPS" (If your using HIPS) and "AUTO CONTAMINATION" That's all :)

HIPS have caused conflict between windows update in windows 10… :-TU

When doing System Restore recently it would hang and not finish.

After doing this twice uninstalled Comodo I. S. then it finished without problems apart from a half installed Comodo I. S.


safe, stable and working… :-TU

Quote from: liosant on January 27, 2021, 06:02:43 PM
HIPS have caused conflict between  windows update in windows 10... :-TU

When doing System Restore recently it would hang and not finish.

Sort of makes me glad my machines are on windows 10 1809 ltsc edition. The most stable windows version ever :slight_smile:

My idea
Since comodo only updates a few times of the year. I recommend doing is just polishing on what CIS has now and nothing new expect internal rework. The firewall by itself is great
The comodo auto sandbox is great
Hips is also great if carefull(experts only)
viroscope is great
The antivirus compontants is is OK (Nothing wrong with it when you have the combined firewall and auto sandboxs)

More bugfixes and polishing code and lots of polishing it is all that it needs right now at the moment. Anything else can wait. Comodo in the hands of a poweruser will be safe. Youtube videos can prove that. Start taking chucks of code and polish it up it could be something major or something minor
Just polishing what you have now will smash the av competition