Comodo IceDragon ver. 14.0 is now available for download!!

after update from 13 to 14 i CID crashed after few mints.
send error = dont send error message comes

my old question is still unanswered
save and quit option


After updating Firefox and IceDragon to v14 they both would crash on my dads computer, only way I found to fix was to disable ‘Use hardware acceleration when available’ , now both of them no longer crash either when launching or after a few minutes. Maybe you could try this and see if fixes ?

thanks. i will try

The browser works well. Wanted to find out when Personas can be used with CID.
I can’t get any to work with the browser even in the newest version. :frowning:
I prefer the Personas to the themes.
Will this be addressed in the next version?

I was able to import my bookmarks from Firefox after first exporting them in JSON file format. It took awhile since I have lots of bookmarks, but I went and did other things, then when I came back, it was done and very nicely too.

I’m still trying to figure out if I can import my passwords in a similar fashion since Comodo failed to import any of them.
