COMODO has lost my password !!!

Hello !!! (:KWL)


So I can’t do anything with it : Update, Installation or Uninstallation, Settings…

Everything is blocked by this password but it’s not mine !!! (:AGY)

How can I do to uninstall or Update COMODO FIREWALL ??? (:NRD)

PS : I’m french and I have a lot of problems with the English language because I don’t speak English currently.
Can you answer me in French???
Thank you for help me !!! :■■■■

Hi MCK9275,
I can help you resolving this, but not in French… b’coz I don’t know french .

Please do the following:
1)Start the Windows in Safe Mode(Press F8 during the boot up)
2)Open Registry(XP:Start->Run->regedit->ok)
( Vista:Start ->All Programs → Accessories → Run-> Regedit ->Ok)
3)Delete the 'Password Enabled’ and ‘Password hash’ under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Software\Comodo\Firewall Pro\Configurations\0\Settings (To delete right click and click delete)
4)Restart the system