Comodo for Dummies,PLEASE!

Hi, I am newbie here and complete dummy for setting up stuff on my computer,but because my husband is even worst I do it. We had Norton AV on our computer for quite a few years,but after little bit of research I thought it was time for a change. So I downloaded NOD32 and Comodo (also have Spybot and Spywareblaster) and OH MY GOD my head nearly exploded trying to set it up!
Thank you very much for the video, visual help at my age is great! (:CLP) And also thanks Little Mac for your basic how to “set and forget”.
But after I felt so good that I managed all that I came across “Network Control Rules” and I don’t think I can manage that. After reading few posts it all becomes a blur.
Does it mean that I have to constantly attend to Firewall not just set up and update?
Help! I just need to know if “doing video and set and forget” is enough,please tell me,because now I have NOD32 to worry about :o

Lets assume you don’t run any server programs, you don’t share a printer with other computers, etc.
Then Network Monitor with the default rule is just fine. They will stay the same until you change them. The rules are read from top down - if a rule is matched, no other rule is checked. If the rule doesn’t match, the rule immediately below is checked - if it matches, etc.

Look at the rules:
Except for ICMP - you can search Wikipedia for an introduction

It is chiefly used by networked computers' operating systems to send error messages—indicating, for instance, that a requested service is not available or that a host or router could not be reached
it's allowing everything out (as is, application monitor is the one that controls outbound) and subsequent replies, and blocking requests for new connections from outside (eg. allows you to request a website, then allows the replies which is the page for your browser; blocks anything you did not request - you can search wikipedia for SPI and pseudo SPI if you want).

The rules for ICMP protocol present are what Comodo feels to be strictly necessary blocking all else by the last rule in red. That last rule blocks all (it refers to IP which is everything), so that anything not in previous allowing rules is blocked.

Was i confusing or did i do something right?


Welcome to the forum! I’m glad you have a sense of accomplishment at having done the installation and the “set & forget” steps as well.

As Pedro said, if you’re a normal home user, then that should be all you need to do. The default Network rules should be just fine.

There’s a lot more you can do, but you probably don’t need to. There is a wealth of information about CFP in this thread, which you can review at your leisure (if you like)…,6167.0.html

So go on and have fun setting up Nod32! Then relax with your husband.


Thank you Pedro!
Yes you did something right (:CLP)

.Posted by: Little Mac
"There’s a lot more you can do, but you probably don’t need to. "

THIS IS EXACTLY I NEEDED TO HEAR!!! Thank you very much Little Mac!
Now I can relax and take time to absorb it little by little.
Best wishes.

I run HackerGuardian Scan and this came back -

You must undertake the following remedial actions or provide us with the relevant information if
you think the vulnerabilities are already patched or if compensating controls exist:
Filter incoming trafic to port/service “snmp (161/udp)” if the service is not used.
We recommend you undertake the following remedial actions:
Filter incoming trafic to port/service “general/icmp” if the service is not used.

Can you please tell me what am I suppose to do now?

Are you using a router or other hardware between your computer and the internet? If a modem is in place, what Make/Model?


Yeah,it is old one Billion 7100

Yep, there you go.

BiPAC 7100 ADSL VPN Firewall Router with 4-port Switch
SOHO Firewall Security and Parental Control Along with the built-in NAT natural firewall feature, the BiPAC 7100 also provides advanced hacker pattern filtering protection. It can automatically detect and block Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, such as IP Spoofing, Ping of Death, Land Attack, etc.

So here’s the deal… any web-based scan like that is only scanning your router; not your computer. That router will be the end-point connection for the scan, which won’t even know your computer is there (other than theoretically).

If you use different ones of these online tests, you’ll get different results (’s Shields Up! test, PCFlank, etc), as they all have different methodologies. If you want to close the ports they say are open, you’ll have to do so within your router’s configuration GUI. Check your manual on accessing the router and its configurations.