Comodo Firewall using 90+% of my CPU

Just as the subject says, it’s using up anywhere from 89 to 96 percent of my CPU which is slowing everything else down. The mem usage reads only about 7MB so I am fine with that. If it helps I have the following set up.

CPU: AMD 3ghz
RAM: 512MB
OS: Win XP home, sp2
Browser: Firefox
Comodo firewall verision:
Comodo database verision: 3.0

I’ll give out more information if needed.

Hi. Welcome.

** FAQs/Threads - Read Me First **:

[b]Version 2.4 - cpf.exe and High CPU[/b],6819.0.html,6933.0.html,6943.0.html

Version 2.4 - cmdagent.exe and High CPU,5499.0.html,5972.0.html,6160.0.html

Wait for version 3 or beta test it. Rock on. Peace.

Thanks for the help it worked… however it only worked after I restarted the firewall. Something that was left out in those forum posts.

Hmm…now that I don’t remember because the last I did that was so many months ago. Anyway, look forward to version 3. Hopefully this issue will be gone once and for all.