Comodo Firewall or Online Armor (full version)

Bye, bye, Egenem. It was a great pleasure to talk to you.

Alex, please check your ■■■ and your manners.

Keep watching us :wink: If our cholestrol levels go up, you might consider switching your software because of that too.

Gievawayoftheday provided OA paid license for free only for one day. As usual the activation program had default optins that added bookmarks entries to the browsers.

Indeed there would have been no need to rely on GAOTD as the activation mentioned the actual registration had to be carried on tallemu site whereas obviously Tallemu had no issue to rely on giveawayoftheday services and its default optins. :slight_smile:

OA seemingly works even with 384kB of RAM and thus will supposedly [url=;msg296732#msg296732]protect the user against MS-DOS/url even if they run a Photo imaging software on a far more conceding XP [at] minimal requirements. :o

Whereas Run safer provide the unmatched functionality of Run As… Safer

Soon enough OA paid will switch to the emsi A2 AV engine although nobody knows if there will be an official test about the difference with the superseded (OA-wise) Kaspersky AV engine.

OA was affected for 8 months by a known BSOD issue that could be potentially abused to cause a Denial of Service . The issue was reported, supposedly in a proper and detailed way, by ntinternals security researchers. Apparently a (supposedly) unofficial OA speech-person stated that the issue had low priority.

In case anybody wonders the issue was not publicly disclosed (eg like matousec tests) until a proper fix was implemented whereas ntinternals researchers had enough time to wait for a final/proper fix while testing partial updates and providing further reports…

2008-10-04 - Vulnerability reported to vendor 2008-10-04 - Vendor response 2008-10-09 - Partial update released by the vendor 2008-10-11 - Vulnerability reported to vendor a second time 2008-10-11 - Vendor response 2009-04-20 - Status update request 2009-04-20 - Vendor response 2009-04-27 - Update released by the vendor 2009-06-04 - Full technical details released to general public

It looks like that in case OA services are terminated OA cannot block Internet connections to prevent leaks. Apparently no OA representative commented about the priority/severity of this issue.

Although it looks like that OA in some cases can prevent Internet connections whereas this was considered a bug and fixed. The version provided with GAOTD was likely affected by BSODs too.

Indeed appreciably senseless feature race pose much more risks for security products that needlessly hooks too many kernel functions.

Thus one critical update could cause unpredictable effects the more the number of critical functions used, whereas in such cases there is an increased chance of BSODs and overall malfunctions imposing a variable amount of time until a proper fix is provided.

Bottom line is that OA webcam logging alert worths a piece of paper-security ;D

Neglecting some other apparently blatant details, webcam logging would seemingly be a threat posing the same exposure risks of audio logging, screen capture and keyboard logging, or maybe it is something nice to show around…

So, I guess CIS’s inbound protection is better than my Edimax router’s inbound protection and Windows XP firewall protection turned on?

It’s very interesting I finally found the way how to disable router’s protection if I want only for CIS to protect me from both inbound/outbound attacks. I simply went into DMZ and typed LAN’s IP address.

But can you explain me why I have been never attacked seriously?
Basically I’m using router, Avira Antivirus (free) and Windows XP firewall turned on. I’ve never been infected, and I’ve been visiting truly all kinds of websites.
It just doesn’t make any sense to me for the dangers you’re talking about since I never experienced not a single one, never been infected.
I still don’t understand this, by the post where you were describing dangers of surfing, despite malware is going more and more complex and tougher, I’ve never experienced such thing and again I’m only using router, Avira Antivirus (free) and Windows XP firewall turned on.
I wish anyone here can explain me this, I would be truly grateful.
Thanks to all.

Can you please explain how this post relates to the original topic?

You would be better to create a new topic to discuss whether any software firewall is necessary if you have an adequate hardware firewall and adequate anti-malware protecton.

Ewen :slight_smile:

He did continue here:;msg298097#msg298097