Comodo firewall blocks utorrent.exe download

Whenever I try to download the latest version of utorrent from the original website I get the following message:

I have already submitted this issue here but it keeps coming back.

I haven’t find anyone else mention this on the internet so it may be something on my end. Anyone else having this problem?

You can add it as an exception .

I just did but I still get the same message.

(Correction: with the exclusions box ticked actually).

I’m just thinking, could it be interfering with my firewall application rules for utorrent? I’m using Radaghast’s settings. It doesn’t really makes sense and it’s been happening only the last couple of months but never before (although I have being using Radaghast’s settings since they came out) and to no other website.

Adding these two to the exclusions were enough for me:

It’s definetly not the rule sets cause when I disable the web filtering I don’t get the message anymore and it proceeds in downloading the application.

I tried it but it doesn’t work. I also tried * which includes the sub-domains of the website but it is still blocked.

[list type=decimal]
Hmm, see if any of the instructions below work.

  • Go to the rules tab for the website filter
  • Make sure Allowed Sites is present and has a white check-mark on a green background under Enable Rule
  • Make sure Allowed Sites is positioned ABOVE Blocked Sites
  • Right-click Allowed Sites and click Edit
  • Make sure Safe Sites and Exclusions is listed under Categories
  • Under Restrictions, make sure user Everyone is set to Allow and user ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES is set to Allow
  • Right-click Blocked Sites and click Edit
  • Make sure Exclusions ISN’T listed under Categories
  • If you want, you can change the settings under Restrictions to Ask for Everyone & ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES
  • Double-check that & is added to the Exclusion category

It worked! Actually I only had to move allowed sites above the blocked sites and that apparently did the trick. I couldn’t find “ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES”(?).

Thank you very much for your help.[/ol]

In CIS, whenever there is a list, usually the higher-up something it, the higher priority it has over the other items in the list. Something worth keeping in mind when dealing with CIS. :wink:

Probably not a big deal, it was there by default in my config file, don’t know what it’s for though.