Comodo Firewall blocking wanted apps

I have a brand new Win 10 Home installation with the latest Comodo Firewall. The firewall keeps blocking useful apps, e.g. I had to turn it off to be able to update Steam or log into my Microsoft account.
I have it running in Safe Mode.

I am not having these problems on my desktop where Comodo Firewall is also installed (Win 10 Pro). It’s like the firewall is getting increasingly paranoid?


Did you tell Steam was getting blocked by looking at Blocked Applications (which is a useless function; I am not going into details why) or by the sheer fact that Steam would not update?

Can you check File List for Unrecognized files? Are there files related to Steam in that list? Select all Unrecognized and do a look up and see which ones have been moved to Safe Applications.

Can you post a screenshot of your Application Rules and of the Firewall Logs of around the time Steam was blocked form updating?

Can you double check logging into your Microsoft account is still not working with CIS enabled? If it gets blocked again please post a screenshot of the Firewall Logs?


Steam was updating at a literal snail’s pace and soon stalled completely. As soon as I switched off Comodo Firewall, it downloaded at lightning speed.

Same problem today with Driver Booster - it wasn’t updating, but as soon as I switched off the firewall…■■■■! Instant download.

Neither was or is in the list of Blocked Applications.

Only one Unrecognised file and it wasn’t related to Steam or Driver Booster.

I don’t remember the time I was working with Steam, I’m afraid.

I can confirm the issue with Microsoft account (accessing via Word) still exists.

When I ask to open the firewall log file, nothing happens…

shared setting?

Sorry, I don’t know what you mean?

Just thinking out loud. Does Steam use peer to peer download? I recall it did that long ago but that may no longer be the case.

The Firewall logs will by default only show only today’s blocks. Try setting it to show this week. Can you check File List for Unrecognized files? Are there files related to Steam in that list? Select all Unrecognized and do a look up and see which ones have been moved to Safe Applications.

Can you post a screenshot of your Application Rules?

To take another angle. If you had other security programs installed in the past then there might be a left behind driver or service. When that happens it may cause instability or performance issues. Try running Eset’s clean up tool to remove possible left overs of previously installed security programs: [KB146] Uninstallers (removal tools) for common Windows antivirus software .

What security programs do you have installed alongside CIS?

When I asked if you could share your settings I referred to these from the link above.
Did you solve your problem?

sorry my English

Thanks for your thoughts.

As far as I know, steam doesn’t use P2P downloads. I have no Unrecognised Files. I’m posting an image of my Application Rules here.

This is a brand new laptop with a new install of Win 10. The only other security prog I have is Avast! Free A/V.


You may have two sandboxes working at the same time. The sandbox of Comodo Firewall and of Avast AV. If that is the case chose which sandbox you want to keep active. Does that make a difference?


I have looked at Avast but cannot see it has a sandbox mode. There is a list of blocked apps, but nothing is blocked there.

Can you try adding the installation folders of CIS to the exclusions of Avast and vice versa?

Can you post a screenshot of the Firewall Logs of around the time programs are getting blocked?

I’ve now replaced Comodo with another free firewall and things like Steam are running normally again.

Thanks for your time anyway! :-TU