Comodo Firewall blocking videos on GolfChannel

I am using the latest version of Comodo Internet Security (3.13.1212). At this point I’m only using the Firewall option. Yesterday, I went to a website ‘’, and attempted to view some videos on their website. The videos were blocked from my viewing. In dealing with their support group, they suggested its likely the Firewall. Sure enough, if I disable Comodo firewall, the videos work fine. They further replied: To be able to view the videos on our site, You can do this by allowing port 1935. Your firewall must also allow RMTP feeds to view our videos.

Far from being an expert on this Firewall, why is this being blocked on a website such as this? If I choose to, how do I allow port 1935 access and RMTP feeds? Would there be any security issues allowing this options?


Hi George, what browser are you using to access the vidoes?

I had a problem getting them to play using Firefox but they where fine with Internet Explorer 8.

Try looking in Firewall/Advanced/Network security policy/ Double click on the entry for IE8 and select “Use a pre-defined policy” and form the drop-down menu select “Web-Browser”. Then APPLY and OK.
This is the video coming in on port 1935

Also try reinstalling Flash from here->Download Adobe Flash Player for Windows -


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