Comodo Firewall Blocking RTC in Discord Web Version

Cannot figure out how to stop Comodo from blocking RTC (WebRTC protocol) when I am using Chrome. I have white listed the app to no avail.

Hi cloves,

Thank you for reporting.
May i know your:
1.CIS/CFW version ?
2.Win version ?
3.Can you reproduce the problem & if so how reliably?
4.If you can, exact steps to reproduce. If not, exactly what you did & what happened.
5.Is there any other security product installed on your machine?
6.Any other information, eg your guess at the cause, how you tried to fix it etc.
7.If possible, any related screenshots.


How do you know it is the firewall and not the browser or a browser extension? Need to check the firewall event logs if there is any blocked events.

After installing Comodo firewall, RTC was stopped functioning in discord for the web in Chrome. If I stop comodo, it instantly reconnects.

1.CIS/CFW version ?
2.Win version ? windows 10 (19042.1288)(Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0)
3.Can you reproduce the problem & if so how reliably? Turn on comodo, RTS is unable to connect with web version of discord. Rebooted, issue still continues. When using the PC discord app, RTS works as it should.
4.If you can, exact steps to reproduce. If not, exactly what you did & what happened. See 3
5.Is there any other security product installed on your machine? All stock windows no other antivirus just all built in windows.
6.Any other information, eg your guess at the cause, how you tried to fix it etc. I run the discord app and I run discord in the web so I can have two streams playing during the day. Comodo for some reason prevents the RTS feature in Chrome.
7.If possible, any related screenshots.

Hi cloves,

Thank you for providing the required information, we are checking on this.


Hi cloves,

We have checked and the RTC is functioning without any issue in both discord app & in web chrome .
As futuretech said could you please check your comodo firewall event log for any log entry related to blocking of RTC and share us the screenshot.
Kindly refer the attached pic to check the firewall event log in comodo.


do you have any add-ons installed in Chrome that could be the cause of the problem?

Thanks for all the help. I ended opening the log file and looked like chrome was somehow blocked? Not sure how or why. I also disabled ublock extension in chrome and then connected to discord RTC and it worked. I then turned ublock back on and RTC was still working. Will post back if anything changes. Thanks again!