Comodo firewall and yahoo/hotmail in thunderbird

I have a problem with Thunderbird webmail extension.
I cannot download hotmail and yahoo mail from thunderbird because the webmail extensions
use for the hotmail and yahoo the localhost as pop server.

I could not find what was the problem till I found that it was comodo defense blocking it.
I tried to skip monitoring the loopback networking but that didn’t help.

I have unchecked all in defense settings but that didn’t help.
Only disabling defense resolves the problem.

Does anyone know what causes the problem?

(Comodo version:

Did you try making Thunderbird an email client under the firewall rules. Go to Firewall/Advanced/Network Security Policy.


I already have a Thunderbird firewall application rule in Network security policy:

Allow IP Out From IP Any to IP Any Where Protocal Is Any.

There is not IP in rule.

However, Thunderbird does already work. Thunderbird gives only problems with 2 email accounts (they are using localhost as Pop server).
Since I’ve installed Comodo I’m not enable to pick up email from these 2 accounts.

(only if I disable the defense+ security level).

When you have D+ enabled and try to access the mail accounts does anything come up in the firewall/Defence+ logs?



no message from firewall/defence+logs.

Hi ranon,mmm what to suggest!!

It seems it is definately something in D+ that is causing this.It may be worth trying this.

Defence+/Advanced/Computer Security Policy,Find the entry for Thunderbird and highlight it.Now select “Remove” and APPLY to close all windows(this should remove any D+ rules for Thunderbird).
Put Defence+ in “Training Mode” and try to run Thunderbird and access the accounts.
If you get any pop ups tick “remember my answer”


Hey Ranoon… You need to allow the extension with Comodo… Web mail uses ports 2000 for incoming and 25 for outgoing. I’m running firewall and D+ in safe mode and i have no problems.

Kyle, can you please tell me what you’ve done to allow the extension with comodo?

I would to suggest what Matty_R said above,

It seems it is definately something in D+ that is causing this.It may be worth trying this.

Defence+/Advanced/Computer Security Policy,Find the entry for Thunderbird and highlight it.Now select “Remove” and APPLY to close all windows(this should remove any D+ rules for Thunderbird).
Put Defence+ in “Training Mode” and try to run Thunderbird and access the accounts.
If you get any pop ups tick “remember my answer”

I myself have had no problems with Comodo and I run safe mode… Works fine for me. I’m just giving you the ports, 2000 in coming and 25 outgoing. maybe you could try adding :/Program Files/Mozilla Thunderbird/ as a safe folder, let me know how that goes

I’ve changed my pop3 port to 2000 and it seems to work.

The default pop3 port for webmail = 110

Thanks for the feedback ranon,it`s great when someone solves something and then lets us know how,it helps if the problem crops up again.

:-TU Matty

I`ll lock this now if you need it re opening pm an online mod.

Glad to have been of help :slight_smile:

Matty_R and Kyle142,

Thank you very much!

Kyle142, Matty_R,

I thought it was working but yesterday and today again troubles to download email from hotmail + yahoo (using the webmail extension in thunderbird).

I tried to delete the thunderbird entry in Defence+/Advanced/Computer Security Policy
but everytime after I click on “apply” and restart thunderbird there is not comodo message.
Looking in the Computer Security Policiy the same thunderbird entry is visible again.

When I disable d+ everything works fine.

After deleting the entry have you tried rebooting?

[ at ]Vettetech,

to be sure I deleted the thunderbird entry again, clicked on “apply” and rebooted and checked Computer Security Policy entry list: the thunderbird entry was back again.

No comodo window popped-up when I opened thunderbird and checked email.

While doing this were you in Admin?
And are you able to receive the emails?

For everyone that isn’t clear, For Tbird to use Hot mail it requires an extension and some special settings within tbird, It’s different to say, Gmail

Here are some pics for me… all works fine for me, I’m running Firewall and D+ in safe mode.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thank you for your message.
I have the same settings in Thunderbird.
I had a few access rights with action “ask”, I changed this to Allow.
(may’be because I deleted the entry before).

Can you please tell me which “protection settings” you have (thunderbird entry)?
My protection settings are all “No”

I’m using nod32 as AV.
I’ve read something on the web that Nod and Comodo can gives troubles with Thunderbird.

What Version of Nod32 are you using? And does it work if nod32 is turned off. I’ll get back to you soon.

Edit: Mine too are all on No
We may be onto something with nod

I have to go to bed now, So I’ll just post this INCASE

If your using Nod32 3.0…
Nod32 3.0 uses a proxy and filters the traffic there… but, This makes a “Tunnel” For most firewalls.

A simple Solution for that is… Run nod32 2.7 :slight_smile: It offers the same protection and filters the traffic, but not with a Proxy

Extra settings for Nod32 v2.7 - revised 22-12-2006 | Page 2 | Wilders Security Forums <---- BlackSpears settings for nod32 2.7

The attached image is taken from Wilders, and edited by myself.

[attachment deleted by admin]