Comodo Firewall and Avast 7

For what it’s worth, as others have reported, this problem is not present in Windows XP or Vista. Right now it seems to be confined to Windows 7/CIS/Avast 7. Let me know if you see any other ‘strange’ behaviour.

I haven’t seen anyone mention 32bit or 64bit when discussing this problem. I was wondering if it may only be a problem on 64bit versions of Windows. Radaghast’s assertion that it only seems to affect Windows 7 might be because Win7 tests are more likely to have been performed on a 64bit installation, but XP and Vista tests are more likely to have been performed on 32bit installations.

Has anyone reproduced this problem on a 32bit system or been unable to reproduce it on a 64bit system?

Thanks for the help, guys; it’s appreciated! :slight_smile:

@ clockwork: I assume you mean that most antivirus programs don’t have a webshield anyway, so I should still be relatively safe with mine switched off as long as the rest of the antivirus is running? Also, yes, I have Defense+ turned on at the moment.

@ Radaghast: That’s lucky for me. I’ll let you know if I find anything strange going on. I’m also running a 32bit version of XP, so hopefully I’m safe either way.

From what I have seen, it makes no difference if the OS is x86 or x64.

I noticed a follow up post at the Avast forum suggesting a switch to using “Scan traffic from well-known browser processes only” in the ‘Expert Settings’ of the Avast Web-Shield. Whilst this does seem to prevent applications, without firewall rules from ‘phoning home’ - at least in the quick test I performed in CIS, more later - it still doesn’t prevent browser connections, when the browser is explicitly blocked.


Avast 7 R2 was released today.

I installed it over my existing installation and it made no difference.

Posted by: Radaghast Insert Quote I noticed a follow up post at the Avast forum suggesting a switch to using "Scan traffic from well-known browser processes only" in the 'Expert Settings' of the Avast Web-Shield. Whilst this does seem to prevent applications, without firewall rules from 'phoning home' - at least in the quick test I performed in CIS, more later - it still doesn't prevent browser connections, when the browser is explicitly blocked.

Disabling the webshield allows full blocking, but leaves me unprotected.
Enabling the Scan traffic from well-known browser processes only" allows me to largely block traffic and leaves me partially unprotected.

I would like to be able to totally block everything I see fit and I want all my traffic scanned. Is that asking for to much? :slight_smile:

I have Avast IS version 7 (no firewall) and CIS 5.9 Build 2197 in a Win7 x32 machine and I can block a browser from launching or a block that has been placed previously that launches a browser with WebShield “on”. An application like KMPlayer when I click a link in it’s gui is blocked by CIS. But I see something strange in the Defense Intrusions. Yesterday it was 312 and now its 1211 but when I check was the intruding process that was blocked there was no new entry. The last entry was dated Feb 15th. The firewall also is like that Feb 15th. Intrusions are also climbing but no new entry. I do not know if this is related to this but seems to be.

Respective exclusions are placed on the settings for both applications. I’ll load a system image with OA Premium and compare later.

Just loaded a system image with Avast IS ver7 (no firewall, AutoSandbox disabled) with OA Premium 5.5. With WebShield “on”, I placed iron.exe(SRWare Iron) as “blocked” in OA and then tried to launch Iron. OA blocked iron and Iron did not launch. Did the same with Firefox and obtained the same result.

Clicking a link in KMPlayer gui (set in OA>Advanced>Allow except> Firefox/SRWare Iron as exception–block) did not launch Firefox/SRWare Iron and blocked it.

Will check if what I have observed previously in previous post will be the same when I revert back to image with Aavst IS version 7 with CIS ver5.9 Build 2197.

But from what?

I would be totally infected since years, if i wasnt protected WITHOUT a web shield.

Can you give an example of how something could infect your computer when the web shield is disabled?
I ask with interest.

Can you post your settings and complete, step-by-step, testing methodology please.


@ Malik,

You say the browser does not launch? I think you are referring to D+, I don’t even have D+ enabled.
This is an issue with the Firewall.

@ Clockwork.

The webshield is particular helpful in stopping drive by downloads.
The Avast file system Shield is not very effective, Allow me to Explain.

Open a folder in avast with Malware in it and File shield does not detect it, Try launch it and it will be found.
Do the same with Avira and open a folder and it detects the infection immediately.

I would prefer not having to compromise.

Ok, i see you dont use defense+. Then i agree, a web shield could increase protection.

Mainly i use avast for scanning and for having a silent guard, next to a host intrusion protection. New things get scanned manually.
Avira began to annoy me with the new tray information window. And it introduced a bug with comodo for me. At that point i had stopped to care allready.

The behaviour has to fit to the way of the choosen security :wink:

Hi All,

@ Radaghast,

I cannot seem to find a bug report anywhere?

Didn’t you say you were going to file one?

Or am I just blind? :stuck_out_tongue:

CIS Firewall fails to block connections for blocked applications with Avast 7

This is what we are hearing, but it seems not be the whole of Avast! 7, just with the Web Shield activated though apparently as you’ve been going through this thread.

Hi Saulius ,

This is what we are hearing, but it seems not be the whole of Avast! 7, just with the Web Shield activated though apparently as you've been going through this thread.

Can’t imagine there are many users running Avast with webshield disabled!

No, they are downgrading back to Avast! 6 to use the old one stably with Comodo FW.

I’ve asked this on the Avast! forum but without reply yet, so again while this seems only confined to Windows 7, has it been determined if this is defective on both 32-bit & 64-bit or just one version?

has it been determined if this is defective on both 32-bit & 64-bit or just one version?

It affects x86 and x64 versions of windows.

Well as that apparently is the case then you know what I’ve just downed until this buggy conflict (I don’t care what or who is at fault) is resolved by an effective 7 work around or successfully fixed!

Yes. CIS appear to be acting correctly. Avast has created a program which deliberately acts as a proxy so other programs access the internet via it. The identity of the accessing program is lost a a result, so CIS cannot easily intervene.

Possible that CIS could be used to control which programs could use webshield - depends on how webshield is invoked.