Comodo Firewall and ASK Toolbar

Why and why is the best firewall equipped with the Ask Toolbar and Safe Surf, i use Comodo Firewall and i use Avira Anti-Virus Premium and A-Squared Anti-Malware, Windows XP Pro with SP 3.

While installing the new firewall version a lot of warnings from Avira was coming up because the ASK Toolbar is seem as spyware/adware or there at least traces that leads to suspecting behaviour, als A-Squared show ASK Toolbar as unwanted. Avira still warns for Adspy/MYSEARCH.I.2. see description:


This Trojan may be downloaded from remote sites by other malware. It may be dropped by other malware. It may arrive as a .DLL file that exports functions used by other malware. It is used to exports malicious functions that are usually used by other malware files.

Other malware use this .DLL to monitor the activities of the normal process, IEXPLORE.EXE, using it to connect to a varying remote server.

I have removed the ASK Toolbar completely and safe surf it is not needed and it concerns me that Comodo the best firewall equipped with useless embedded software and i hope the next version is free from useless software.

If you are getting this message when Comodo is updating, then it would seem it is a false positive with Avira, which is not strange, as they are known for using strong heuristics which of course leads to more false positives.

You clearly DO NOT need to install it and you can untick it before it installs. It is fully optional. Comodo is a completely free full featured #1 firewall. Meih and the team need money somehow. Go ahead and find better protection for free and you wont.

Vettetech you don’t need to react a little bit agressive Ask Toolbar is not only by Avira detected as kind of spy/adware but by many and the anti-spyware vendors. I am agreed with you that developing cost a lot of money and sometimes i donate money because helping each other is better then useless discussions.

But i don’t understand why Ask toolbar is marking as unwanted and unsafe toolbars by at least 90 % of anti spyware and anti-malware vendors. Comodo is the best firewall and why should i switch there is no reason for i was only concerned why the Ask toolbar was added safe surf is welcome but it wil not update.

In june i will donate some money to Comodo for developing purposes.