Comodo Firewall 6.3 / Windows 8.1 / Bluescreen / 0xc0000018 / Avast? [I41]

Every first start of the computer there is a bluescreen with error code 0xc0000018. The second restart works fine.

I use Comodo Firewall 6.3 on Windows 8.1 Professional 64 Bit.

I reproduced the error on two different Computers. One is a Dell Studio 1747, the other a custom build PC.

After deinstalling the Comodo Firewall and using the Windows Firewall the error didn’t come back anymore.
Before it came every start of the computer(s).

1. Is it a bug/issue? Follow red links to post wishes, mis-translations, & requests for help.
=> Yes. Bug.
2. Already reported? If so add to existing topic. See: Known issues list, advanced search.
=> With this entry.
3. One bug per post? It’s difficult to track issues if there are more than one per Topic
=> Yes.
4. Have you tried? Reinstallation? Settings changes?
=> Had it on two computers with different settings. One had in installed while upgrading to 8.1, one after.
5. Current version? Please report only bugs/issues for the latest major version of CIS
=> Latest 6.3 build (Update in program shows no new version).

Edit1: 2013-10-02:
Added checklist

Edit1.5: 2013-10-02:
After Updating Avast Free from 2014.2002 (Beta 2) to 2013.2003 (RC1) the problem did not occur anymore. Might have been an incompatibility. Even after dozens of restarts.
I use the Beta of Avast, because the latest release version at the time i installed Windows 8.1 did not woork well with Windows 8.1. He deleted all my programs.
I installed from the same cfw_installer.exe as before. Size: 214.262.072 Bytes. File version: 6.3.32439.2937. Product version: 6.3.294583.2937.

Is there anyone out there who can check if it’s a Problem with Avast? If the Bug appears again anyway, i’ll upload a Memory dump file.

Edit 1.9
I installed the Comodo Firewall again on both PCs and didn’t get the blue screen any more. The problem seemed to happen only with Avast 2014 Beta 1 and 2. So i guess you can close this one now.

If the Problem occurs again.
processlog / kernel dump

Okay, this is certainly a serious issue. I will forward to the devs as quickly as I can, and mark this as a critical bug.

However, I first need you to edit your first post so that it is using the format provided here. Just copy the code and paste it into your first post. Then type your responses after the columns. To see how it will look use the preview button.

Also attach a process list from one of the computers experiencing this and a diagnostics report from the same computer. In addition please set your computer to create full kernal dumps. Then, after getting a BSOD again, upload the dump file to a file sharing site, such as this one and paste the download link in your first post.

BSOD are notoriously difficult to replicate unless all of the above information is given. However, I am absolutely willing to walk you through whichever steps seem tricky. Feel free to ask me whichever questions you wish, either through the forum or via PM. I’m absolutely willing to help as I really want this issue to get fixed for you.

Thank you.

PM reminder sent.

Thank you for using one of the formats provided in the topic I linked to. However, this issue will require the full format in order for the devs to be able to solve this problem. Please edit your first post so that it is in the full format.

Also, please attach the diagnostics report, the KillSwitch Process Dump, and the MiniDump file.

Let me know if you have any questions at all.

Thank you.

PM reminder sent.

I will now move this to the Non-Format Verified board.

Topics in this board are rarely looked at by the devs, and even if they are it is unlikely the devs can fix the bugs reported. The reason is that putting bug reports in the required format, with the required files, ensures that the devs have enough information to understand and identify the bug. Thus, without this it becomes very difficult to replicate a bug such as yours.

To get your report forwarded to the devs please attach the files I requested, and modify your first post so that it is in the format I requested, with all required information filled out. Then send me a PM.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you.

Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (7.0.313494.4115)? Please respond to this topic letting us know whether it is fixed or if you are still experiencing the problem.

Also, note that all bug reports in the Non-Format section of the forum, which is where this report currently is, are mainly not looked at by the devs. Thus, if the bug you were experiencing is still not fixed please edit your first post so that it is in the correct format (found here, with all required attachments), so I can forward this to the devs and get this problem fixed.

Thank you.

PM sent.

Why can’t anyone just read it? I posted Ages ago with which build the Problem got solved?

Anyway, where do i find this ominous Version 7 of the personal firewall? It’s neither on nor in this post.

The new version can currently only be downloaded from this topic:

As for why this may still not be fixed, remember that reports in this section of the forum are not viewed by the devs. Thus, in order to get this fixed enough information needs to be supplied (and be in the correct format) so that I can forward this to the devs. They cannot replicate it with only the information which you have supplied.

However, if this is still not fixed, I can help you through that process so that we can forward this to them. Let me know what you find.

Thank you.

Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version ( Please respond to this topic letting us know whether it is fixed or if you are still experiencing the problem.

Also, note that all bug reports in the Non-Format section of the forum, which is where this report currently is, are mainly not looked at by the devs. Thus, if the bug you were experiencing is still not fixed please edit your first post so that it is in the correct format (found here, with all required attachments), so I can forward this to the devs and get this problem fixed.

Thank you.