Comodo EasyVPN BETA Wishlist

Automatic visual quality control… So that when someone has high graphics like wallpaper, that should render in according to a link speed…

The main GUI window should have the option to be minimized to the tray at startup (similar to L. Messenger).

Better remote desktop ability. For example keep it simple and integrate something opensource like ultra-vnc.

An idea for keeping the connection, “PCI” compliant, have your vpn application on the host machine launch the vnc code in listening mode when requested and accepted with a randomized authentication. Have the remote user’s client automatically feed the authentication into the vnc viewer app automatically. One the session is dropped, both ends of VNC are killed. Also, vnc connections work very smooth in an encrypted tunnel such as SSL, so the remote access will be very solid. -Alot of rambling here, but this method works great and isn’t that hard to write in.

Second request: Have a logged whitelist or authenticated whitelist, for remote desktop access and file transfers. Kill the gotomypc type crowd.

-And yes, Hamachi stinks.

nice ideas/wishes… keep’em coming pls…

Any thoughts to adding a VoIP feature, or is this asking too much?

Okay, I’ve used lots of Comodo products (backup, firewall, AV, email cert, etc) over the years and have not had many complaints.

So, I’d like to put in a feature wish for a linux port of easy-vpn.

That’s the feature that is keeping me with Hamachi/[your favorite type of VNC here].

The ability to hit any machine at home where I run both Windows and linux (windows = PCs, linux = servers ) from any other Hamachi connected machine (Laptop which goes anywhere with wifi), is incredibly useful for me. I understand that such a scenario is not common, but certainly, the linux crowd might be interested. Not all of us are hell bent on doing things from scratch. I for one like things that ‘just work’. And the for the mixed OS environment (or all Linux environment) Hamachi seems to be the only game in town for now that is that easy to utilize.


I would like a more social VPN, so you can make a vpn network with friends that are on the ICQ MSN Yahoo or AIM networks. I think that would boost EasyVpn’s popularity a lot.

Here is the source code so that will save you some work :wink: Free P2P VPN software - Wippien.

Good Luck

Watch this space :wink:

Ewen :slight_smile:

The option to display current available networks (in alphanumeric order).

an option to report misbehaviour of people inside an network, sort of report abuse button to comodo like spamming/hacking/phising/ etcetera…

When improving the Remote Desktop features, add the option to connect only by specified user(s) and from specified IP(s).

It would be perfect if EasyVPN could support proxy (http/socks).

Can tunneling over HTTP proxy be implemented in the future?

add video + voice conferencing ability to easyvpn that would be with multiple people can join session, atleast 3-4 people able to video+voice chat with each other like conference.
That would be very nice to see in easyvpn.


I am from Europe, and when relay connection that working is quite impossible. I think it takes place from the remoteness of server comodo.
Would be wonderfull if in the update version of EasyVPN was а possibility to change relay or direct.

there are few things “features” that will be awesome if you added to this piece of art and talent, like:

  • the ability to show contacts in different groups according to my accounts ie, grouping according to my registered accounts then sub-grouping according to the categories.

  • ability to show contact’s logos instead of status icons

  • ability to change skins

  • more smiles etc… on conservation window

note: please change the “send” button to “share” on the conservation window because it is tricky and make you think it is to just send what you wrote like other softwares.

thank you alot

Enable to “Run As A Service” after setting up user ID and Password. You promised this in the next version way back in 2009!

I can’t always be at home to log on my server.

C’mon guys, Hamachi can do it, so can you… ;D

Hi Ljdellar

Don’t worry.

We are on EVPN push.

That run as a service feature is coming. I’ve been using preview versions of it recently.

