Comodo EasyVPN Released

Comodo EasyVPN is now available for download from:

32 Bit
Size: 12.6 MB (13,218,096 bytes)
MD5: C2F1A07EF15EB8C928DF2CD5AA50483F
SHA1: B6B86214F45D6EFB13557853DDC004D232ABC43

64 Bit
Size: 14.40 MB (15,190,320 bytes)
MD5: 023C3A0A6FD4673EBFA76550524E56FB
SHA1: 3F409F90AC2E73EB586F1F064A48CFB8558147E8

Change log to follow.


Good work guys!!!

lets bring on Comodo Unite now :slight_smile:

can you tell us what comodo unite is?

Congrats with this release. (:CLP)

What is Comodo Unite? Is it in any way or form related to Opera Unite? Or is it just the name that is the same?

Saved to disk :slight_smile:

so does comodo unite have anything to do with DACS, since DACS uses easyvpn to communicate with everyone else?

maybe comodo unite is a specialed easyvpn for DACS to use?

Nice Work Guys!

Downloading… :wink:

Are you referring to the change log? I sent a pm to Comodo Shane.

Everybody does realise that Shane’s post is from 2010 right?

Hasn’t this been superseded by Comodo Unite?

Comodo Unite has replace EasyVPN

Oops… 88) :smiley:

I’ll lock this topic. :slight_smile: