Comodo EasyVPN Beta Released

Comodo EasyVPN Beta is now available for beta testing (i.e. do not run on production systems and we recommend backup of any data before use) from:

  • Please uninstall the previous version before installing the beta.

32 bit
Size: 8,245,496
MD5: 158DA3761E0AA73D306F8099D383F386
SHA1: 95A4F3A0A043F95F3BF43D03E409273B33241EAE

64 bit
Size: 10,052,856
MD5: 20EB752CA6AF9E9B9487D9ABD565533E
SHA1: 7D759095AF750FB193C64D0F68B2D54C6B779641

New to this version:
Fixed: Defect where network adapter isn’t installed after an upgrade.
Fixed: The status of share web button is incorrect after adjust the size of chat window.
Fixed: The share app and share web button should be grayed and disabled immediately after inviting other buddies.
Fixed: Defect when sharing Comodo Dragon.
Fixed: The share app and share web buttons are disabled after click the OK button without app selected in app share list.
Fixed: The share app and share web buttons are disabled when the chat window changes from conference window to single conversation window.
Fix: The mode of web share was incorrect.
Fix: Share app button and Share web button are missing from chat window
Fix: Prompt ‘Your share window session has ended.’ displays twice unexpectedly.(Also occurs when web share ended)
Fixed: Could not interact inside of the tabs in IE8


Thanks Shane… ;D

Downing now…

Just installed it. It installed very quick. :-TU

Here’s an interesting one. Upon downloading this with Dragon, Dragon warned me this file could harm my computer, do I wish to continue downloading it.

Nice work guys.
Application sharing is just pure cool!


Maybe have a look at M$ Office Communicator which has these features also…
It’s GUI approach feels better, they present the Shared App “almost full screen” and place a shady gray transparent “glass” window around it so you have an immediate feeling what is shared and what not…

Shane…over to you :slight_smile:

I can provide some images tomorrow at work, where we have the MOC client installed on some systems…

great thanks!

Can someone explain to me what application and web sharing is?? its probably what i guess it to be but it would be good to know exactly.


I cannot upgrade from within eVPN. I receive the following error:

I tried uninstalling, rebooted, then downloaded and reinstalled.
I get version 1.9.10 as the version number, and the program tells me there is an update available, do I wish to download and install it

Since I can’t install from within, or by exiting the program first (tried that), and downloading is not providing me with the new version, there is a problem somewhere.

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Application Sharing is Sharing “One” Application with the other party instead of your whole desktop.
And Web Sharing is sort of the same “Sharing your default browser”.

i get this error when EVPN is launched with start up. But it then opens fine and seems to work fine after this message is dismissed.


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I think it is only used when you use a “network” to access someone else’s PC over the internal 5.x range… that will probably fail.

Upon installing, I get this error…


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Pls check “COMODO EasyVpn Service” is running or not.
Before starting the EasyVpn, “COMODO EasyVpn Service” should be running.
If the service is not running, EasyVpn can’t start the network adapter and can’t change the virtual ip address. Vpn is unavailable.
“COMODO EasyVpn Service” starts automatically by default when system is powered on.

Its running.

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Version announced but was never able to download ( came in as now from the EVPN page the version number to download has jumped to no release details at all is a Beta release is the latest stable (that has no appsharing yet).