Comodo Dragon ver 28.1 is now available for download

If you have not already please add your system information, and description of the problem, to the bug report.


Will it reduce the distance from the context menu?
1 - Dragon
2 - Chrome

[attachment deleted by admin]

What’s wrong with the current menus?

Comodo Dragon 28.1 menu

[attachment deleted by admin]

I have an issue on Win 8 64 bits but working perfectly well on SP1 Win 7 64 bits. CD won’t open in Comodo kiosk. Cry

Comodo Dragon v28.1 was downloaded and installed automatically on my laptop running Windows 7. Adobe Flash Player was uninstalled as a result. When attempting to re-install Flash Player, the download page located at WILL NOT LOAD. It gets stuck in a continuous loop and never displays more than a blank page. This problem has existed for me for several months while using previous versions of Comodo Dragon.

same problem I got that problem ??? and I got a problem accessing to ??? something wrong in CD

I think it is about time to release v29.

Hi KNACsnowman and YİGİDO_58,
Temporarily disable 'Do not allow websites to know where you came from (suppress HTTP referrer header)’ found under privacy in the advanced settings.
After you have installed the Flash plugin, you can then re-enable the function.
Configuring Advanced Settings
Kind regards.

when will comodo dragon 29 be out because it has been awhile since there was an update just asking a question is all thankyou

Iron and Opera are already out… :-X

iron has had 2 updates since comodo dragon was released 29.0.1600.0 and 29.0.1600.1 has comodo gave up on comodo dragon ?

Maybe they took autumn vacation? ;D

why not ? they are human being too LOL ;D

this browser used to be updated regularly ■■■■ it seems like it has gone to ■■■■ just like cool novo has aka chrome plus and i wont use it because i don’t like running out dated technology i am paranoid so unt’ll there is an update again i wont be using this browser ever again

So have a nice day! ;D


I beg you pleeeaseee :stuck_out_tongue: LOOOOL

People come and go. I stopped using it, but it is not because of updates, it is because of Chromium entirely. One thing I don’t like is that even when I remove it, Comodo was still around since it would pop up on my antivirus when I try to play a game.

I am still around because I have reason to start using it again, later. :slight_smile:

For a long time there is no new version.