Comodo Dragon v73.0.3683.75 is now available for download.

Hello All,

We are very pleased to announce the release of Comodo Dragon v73.0.3683.75.


  • Updated to Chromium v73.0.3683.75 codebase
  • Added handy quick links to sponsored popular websites on the new tab page.

Comodo Dragon 73 64 bit
Comodo Dragon v73.0.3683.75 64-bit can be downloaded from:
MD5: 87E84E1721344F484578E2D5C7A697A3
SHA1: 1BCE70FCCA506BE62F8B347043656D342A2BC738
SHA256: 78CB154B2AA8CC8E1D8BA5AC8188F0D66D962D4567321119242AC0A896C24C32

Comodo Dragon 73 32 bit
Comodo Dragon v73.0.3683.75 32-bit can be downloaded from:

MD5: AF55F8B50DCE03952D304B6005667667
SHA1: F833F2175E684D4824E33B811703B470B6B4ACA7
SHA256: BE5FCE815144A290B2DDF748774686F8FBEFAF150CE415C17432524195DC19FC

Please use the browser and give us your feedback.

The Comodo Browser Team

On the quick launch page: the number of quick access websites was cut in half (from 8 to 4), and the remaining 4 slots were replaced by unremovable ads. Is this how it is supposed to work? Any ways to remove the advertised websites?

Yes, 4 sponsored links

We’ll add extra customizations in future releases

@Shane : Please remove the obnoxious adds aka “sponsored links” or make them optional ASAP !
Are you obliged to replicate that terrible “feature” under your whatever agreements with Google/Chromium?

I would also wish you made the icons on the New-tab bigger again,and freely movable (like they used to be in antique versions of Chrome) - oh and PLEASE remove/zap/nuke the useless fake omnibar on that new-tab template (or make it an option to suppress the thing, that nobody in their right mind uses anyway).

Ideally, leave the miniature “most used” links ONLY and increase their number from 8 to, maybe, 12 or 16 pages…

If Google/Chromium does NOT allow such customisations, please do tell us here !


Remove the ads please :-TD :-TD
Can you give us temporary solution ?

Oh yes, I also don’t wish such links/zaps/nukes a.s.o… And I don’t know if it doesn’t put a hole in security.

So, I deinstalled the new version again, do not allow automatic updates and blocked the update in the firewall an HIPS.

On the other hand, dragon is free, so it costs nothing.

Hi all,

As I said a before, we’ll add the customizations in the next release.

The German magazine “Chip” writes about [QUOTE]cryptic feature implementation

Question… why the hell have ‘ads’ (ie. sponsored links) been added. They have absolutely nothing there 2 do. Is Comodo running short on $$$$$ or what.

Get rid of those asap.

Comodo is not a social institution and we do not pay dollars for comodo’s really good services (I have had no problems with viruses, worms, fishing etc. pp., so long) Why don’t you use another search engine?
I find this remark quite presumptuous.

ALOHA Comodo Gurus

Why have the capabilities of “chrome://net-internals/#dns” been diminished / disabled.

Previously I could select DNS from the Left panel and see all active " DNS Processes" this was very valuble to me
Now all I see is > Host Resolver Cache. With ZERO additional information
Also all other L.H. Panel selections are GREATLY diminished

Would it be possible for you guys to restore /renable the previous viewing capabilities or is that out of your control?

Could I go back to the “Old Way” if I installed a previous version of Dragon?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Also want to comment that the sponsored quick links need to go. Yes you can “customize” them in the next release just forcing us to have them until then. It’s a free browser, there are other free browsers I’ll choose to use one that doesn’t shove ads in my face until then. Thanks.

The question is whether these links/aps will perforate security or privacy more. I installed this version some days before because old versions are no longer so secure.

Now let’s wait for the new version.

Hi All,

Thank you to you all for using Comodo Dragon, the Yahoo Search and the sponsored links. Using these helps keep Comodo Dragon project free. In fact, we encourage you to use them so we can keep Comodo Dragon updated as fast as we do and to keep it always free.

If you don’t want to use the Yahoo search or sponsored links the browser is fully configurable, simply change your startup page to the page or search engine of your choice.

A special thank you to you all that use the Yahoo search and the sponsored links. :-TU

Hope this clears up the topic.

Shane. :slight_smile:

This solution doesn’t “work” for me, unfortunately. Or I don’t know how to get what I need, and this is: “Bookmarks” panel only on my startup page. If I use any other page but the standard one, it’s either no Bookmarks panel at all, or that panel is on every tab. Is there something I can do?

I know Comodo is free. If there was an option of an ad-free version I’d consider buying it.

That’s the way I’d do it. I once wanted to buy CIS, but the payment options are not suitable for me.

Hi Maske!

Thank you for your feedback!

The bookmarks panel is inherited from Chrome, and it behaves the same way. Chrome also have the bookmarks panel on every tab, when enabled. You can enable/disable it very easy with “Ctrl+shift+b” and use it only when necessary.

Comodo Browser Team

Thank you to you all for using Comodo Dragon, the Yahoo Search and the sponsored links. Using these helps keep Comodo Dragon project free.

But… but…

Give all that for FREE!!! What’s the Catch? How does Comodo Make Money?

All we want from our users is their trust!

That’s what Comodo’s CEO has to say. So please make up your mind.

Comodo always had limited sponsor deals which usually did not fly too well with the advanced users here. But Comodo always provided an opt out, sometimes it needed protest from the community, but Comodo does listen.

dragon work with vista 32-bit?