Hi davi.dragon,
Thank you for this excellent work !
Installation performed under Windows 10 x64 Build 22H2 19045.2965
Everything is working properly
Some pictures:
Sorry for this stupid question (I am just a dumb user without IT knowledge): I want to deactivate Comodo Drag&Drop Service and Comodo Share Page Service. I don’t need such things. How can I deactivate them?
@ZorKas: Thanks for the pinning advise, but that was not exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to root these two extensions out completely - unnecessary baggage (from my personal perspective).
@Boris_3: ahhh, thanks. Now I know where these things hide (as I metioned, I am really no expert in these things). I tried to just delet the “drag_drop” and the “share_page” folders, but after restart of the dragon browser both extensions respawned like resilent zombies …
Second try: I just deleted all the content/files from both mentioned folders, but I did not delete the folders themself.