Comodo Dragon updating (installing)

Dear Sirs.
I’ve installed the release 20 of Comodo Dragon in my Windows 8 CP as portable (user profile stored in destination folder).
Extra add-ons: none.
I cant update it installing the release 21 coz the installer returns me the following warning “Comodo Dragon Setup - Application is running - Please close Comodo Dragon and try again”.
To be honest NO Dragon is running (I checked almost every single OS active process and NO Dragon files are shown nor Dragon Related files).
Portable version has no uninstaller.
How is it supposed I can update it thru a new install if the installer block me from doing that?
Awaiting some useful help I remain.
Yours faithfully.


mod edit: BOLD’ing removed for readability. kail


The portable installation cannot be updated by using the setup. You have to launch the browser open the “About” dialog and perform the update using the built-in functionality. By doing so you will be provided with a “Relaunch and install” button which closes all running “dragon.exe” processes before updating.

Please add a screenshot of the processes list while the setup returns the error message if the update doesn’t succeed.


Hi there,
problem solved.
The issue resides into the Internet Donwload Manager which was intercepting the updater file (DragonSetup.exe).
Once desactivated the automatic interception Dragon download “internally” the update and then provided with a “Relaunch and install” button which closed all running “dragon.exe” processes before updating.
After have relaunched the browser updating was succesfully applied (it now shows version
Thanks for helping.
