Comodo Dragon not allowing my to log into my service provider account on its own

I have windows 10 and Comodo Dragon Version 83.0.4103.116 (64-bit). I have CIS with secure shopping feature installed. When I click on Comodo Dragon when not in secure shopping environment, it will not allow me to log in to my service provider account, in other words the browser does show any errors, or do anything but just stay sort of frozen to log in to the account. Yet when I try to log in via the CIS secure shopping, it does allow me to log in. How do I fix this. I have Dragon to clean all data on exit.

Hello Grail can you tell me the webpage you have problems connecting so i can see if there are any errors there. Thank You!

it is to login into my service provider, but I noticed that privacy badger on, and when privacy badger is enable in this site it will not allow me in, when it is disabled it will. It never did before.

Oh, unfortunately Grail there is not much i can help you with regarding a extension, you can disable it on certain pages, if you go to the setting-options of the app and add Log in to MyBell like in the screenshot bellow