(I think this mean this in english: Holy poo! Comodo Dragon crash, restart now?)
Are somebody have the same problem? And how I can fix that? I really like Comodo Browser, because is fast and secure, but now I must use Opera browser 88)
I have the same problem >:(
I just updated my dragon and now it says “Whoa! Comodo Dragon crashed. Restart now?” ???
Is there anyway I revert to the previous version?
I met same issue today, but I find it is ok after I delete the folder.
C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Local Settings\Application Data\Comodo\Dragon
and then reinstall.
I don’t think this is solution! Removing just webdata don’t help! Removing the whole folder as yli6hz propose makes it work but I lost all the settings, bookmarks and extensions I had. I will not reconfigure every time I update! I think Comodo must do something about this and fix the update!
I had exactly the same problem after updating. In my case it was caused by having installed in the previous version the Adblock extension by gundlach. After full install and cleaning out documents and settings the new version installed fine, ran fine until i installed Adblock (by gundlach) than the same problem reappeared.
In the newly released version we had a defect on startup due to extensions, which sometimes appears after update procedures. The rollback was applied, and the old version temporarily restored
We will release a new version very soon
If you have downloaded version and are experiencing this problem, please download version (http://download.comodo.com/dragon/DragonSetup.exe), and install it
You will be warned about version downgrade, press Yes
Thank goodness someone had some sense. thanks for the tip.
Nobody would think that Comodo would release something that does not work, and then to make matters worse, not even tell their online “support” people that there is a problem. I loathe forums and chat rooms and this one is not the easiest to use and is a timeaster but I accidentally found this post and I am very grateful.
Now to try and find why other Comodo programs refuse to work - but that will have to wait until i have time to spend delving into the forum. Certainly not worth seeking support elsewhere.