"Comodo Desktop Suite"

How about just plain and simple “Ccomplete”

no fun, why not use Dragontools Desktop Suite?

Maybe ComAS

(Com) odo
(S) ecure

I like a Dragontools name.

I also like (in order of which is my favorite comes first):

  1. Pitstop
  2. Ultra Utilities
  3. System+ (seems like D+ so I like it)

Not so sure about Gamut and ComAS.

i think pitstop wouldn’t work so well. something like PC Pitstop or whatever it is. It really offers nothing. It would be pretty stupid to put Comodo in a position where they’re name is after something that flat out sucks.

yea. i like dragontools too

http://www.dragontools.net/ <<Dragon Tools is taken.

http://www.pitstop.net.au/<< Australian Book Shop (I am not too far away from it. :))

Systemplus <<System+ can be confused with this.

Ultra Utilities is only one not taken…


But Ultra Utilities doesn’t say anything. Ask someone what he thinks Ultra Utilities are.

I like

Jump Start :cry:

Then we need to find a new name… Anyone?


I thought “Computer Management Suite” (direct and to the point), but it is too close to “Content Management Suite”.

What about “C.A.T. Software” “Complete Access Tools Software”?
Nothing in Google with this.

The logo that came to mind was one of our native residents - mountain lion (cougar).

I like “Complete Tools”, not sure about the “Access” part…

Or maybe Complete Utilities.

I just like the word “Complete”. :slight_smile:

But howabout “Tiger Tools”? ;D

I would say call the product as what it does, it gives a boost to the system performance… SO I say: System Performance Optimization Suite… SPOS Yes! DO you use SPOS? Not yet, but soon… (:WIN)

Substitute Tools for Suite and you have S.P.O.T.

Windows All Round Tools Suite


I have WARTS, how about you? (:LGH)

Or I like System Booster Suite. Seems straight to the point (and people will know what a System Booster is too)…

i tought about that too, maybe that is a better name… because you can do a lot of marketing with that name… You just hit the right SPOT! (:WIN)…

Yet another good idea.

So Melih, do you or any of the team have favorites?

yes… creative juices are flowing…
keep’em coming… but pls have in mind that we have to have a domain name (that is not already owned by someone else :slight_smile: ) for this…

thank you
