Comodo Commercial Software

In todays posting by Shane of the discontinuance of Comodo Secure Email, he also listed software that was on the projected list.

Three of which Comodo Endpoint Security Manager BE, Comodo Faster Master, and Comodo Online Storage all have potential for both commercial and private markets. Online storage costs money, and the Endpoint Security Manager could be aimed at Large Businesses with hundreds of computers, but could also be trimmed for private use and small business with a limited number of pcs.

My curiosity was peeked with the name Comodo Faster Master ?

Did a search and the only page I could find for it was one for Comodo Faster Master Pro,
Account Management, This page listed charges by the month or 1 yr 2 yr and 3 yr.

Also in the application after user info, contact listed Business name etc.

Comodo Faster Master still has me curious and puzzled !


My colleague Iowa also found that page for Faster Master. He pointed us to look at the url and find a well known abbreviation in it.

The first words where the link is found has it spelled out. But no hints as to the differences and advantages of the paid Comodo Faster Master Pro ?
