COMODO Cloud for Windows Bug Reports

Please post all bug reports & BSOD’s here.
Be sure to describe the problem and include:

  • Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit);
  • Other Backup & Security Software Installed;
  • How you produced the problem;
  • How you tried to resolve the problem;
  • Screen-shots with the error (if any);
  • if the issue is a BSOD, please post all the dump files in \Windows\Minidump folder (you can compress them)
  • if the issue is a crash, program stops responding or freezes please see this topic
  • if the issue is an error (not program crash or freeze) please run the dbgInfo.bat in installation folder and post the resulting cbu file.
  • Any other Additional Information (for example, any non-default settings used);

Problem: CCLoud client made explorer cloud storage K:\ window freeze for variable time, up to 35 seconds when I right clicked on a 25MB file in the root (ie default) directory K:\ of your Cloud storage. The OS saw it as ‘not responding’, and displayed a blank window (with not responding in title bar) when clicking on the client during this time. I was able to repeat this several times, though not always getting the blank window.

Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit); Win7 x64

  • Other Backup & Security Software Installed; CIS, Keepass
  • How you produced the problem; Right clicked on file to get context menu in explorer drive created by Ccloud client
  • How you tried to resolve the problem; N/A
  • Screen-shots with the error (if any); Appended killswitch shot showing explorer not responding
  • if the issue is a BSOD, please post all the dump files in \Windows\Minidump folder (you can compress them) N/A
  • if the issue is a crash, program stops responding or freezes please see this topic: I append minidumps of explorer.exe and COSclient.exe, taken while explorer was frozen according to killswitch. (Update cycle in Killswitch could mean these were not take a t right moment but hopefully they will be).
  • Any other Additional Information (for example, any non-default settings used); Problem on multiple occasions at time of day when Ccloud client was otherwise relatively responsive - upload speeds were good, and K drive was displaying after fairly short display when requested (2 sec or so).

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Problem: CCLoud client made a My Computer explorer window constantly search for directory info when I opened it after, separately, opening a CCloud K:\ explorer window and right clicking on files. The OS displayed just the top icons and a searching spyglass. Explorer views in file open dialogs in other programs failed to update with new files.

Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit); Win7 x64

  • Other Backup & Security Software Installed; CIS, Keepass
  • How you produced the problem; Opened Cloud (K:\ explorer window by clicking on cloud client in system tray, experimented with right click (see bug above). After freeze due to right click had resolved, happened to open a ‘My computer’ (just ‘computer’ in win 7) windows from the start menu. Explorer window showed as described above.
  • How you tried to resolve the problem; Rebooted, that resolved it. Happily reboot occured with need for power switch this time, which is an improvement.
  • Screen-shots with the error (if any); Appended killswitch shot showing explorer not responding
  • if the issue is a BSOD, please post all the dump files in \Windows\Minidump folder (you can compress them) N/A
  • if the issue is an error (not program crash or freeze) please run the dbgInfo.bat in installation folder: [Edit:]
  • if the issue is a crash, program stops responding or freezes please see this topic: I append minidump of explorer.exe while spyglasses were being shown
  • Any other Additional Information (for example, any non-default settings used); Problem at time of day when Ccloud client was otherwise relatively responsive - upload speeds were good, and K drive was displaying after fairly short display when requested (2 sec or so). Problem occurred after CCloud update occurred, but before any reboot. Maybe needs a reboot?

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These issues will be fixed in next release when caching feature will be available.


Problem: CCLoud client got stuck at 1% stage uploading debug files to CLoud Server on three occasions (timing: Sat 11 August in one, probably all, cases) when using drop zone to execute the upload. On last occasion upload aborted without any error message being given to user, which presumably is unintended. An incomplete upload file was left on the server in the appropriate directory. (Sorry about slight imprecision over date - catching up on backlog of bug reports).

Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit); Win7 x64

  • Other Backup & Security Software Installed; CIS, Keepass
  • How you produced the problem; Dropped debuginfo files (c25 MB) on the drop zone, watched as upload started & progressed to 1% but did not continue.
  • How you tried to resolve the problem; Used web client soon after instead, which worked OK
  • Screen-shots with the error (if any); Appended
  • if the issue is a BSOD, please post all the dump files in \Windows\Minidump folder (you can compress them) N/A
  • if the issue is an error (not program crash or freeze) please run the dbgInfo.bat in installation folder: File is here. Bit confused about how to distinguish CCloud logs from CBU logs, will post different logs if this is not the right one.
  • if the issue is a crash, program stops responding or freezes please see this topic: N/A
  • Any other Additional Information (for example, any non-default settings used); Fact that web upload worked with no problem may be significant?

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I am using Cloud and have an issue with COSSERVICE.EXE. The Cloud Client app appears to crash or locks up randomly. I get a system message telling me that has stopped responding and if I would like to find an online solution. I have checked yes but none is available and a report is sent to MS, I do not expect any resolution from them so here I am here at COMODO to push on.

  • Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit);
    OS is Vista Ultimate 64 bit with all the latest updates.
  • Other Backup & Security Software Installed;
    Using Windows Backup and COMODO Internet Security
  • How you produced the problem;
    Not sure what cause the random failure, but what does seems to happen regularly is after I open Client (sign in) and then close (exit) it then start it again later. The icon some times appears on the task bar but I do not get a right mouse click menu other times the Client icon doesn’t show up at all. If I then open up Task manager to kill the COSCLIENT it stays running. If I attempt to kill the COSSERVICE the Task Manger becomes Un-Responsive forever ( I waited 27 hours no luck), The system will not shut down either I’ve wait almost as long looking at a system “Shutting Down” message. I have to do a hard power shut down and restart to recover from this.
  • Screen-shots with the error (if any);
  • if the issue is a BSOD, please post all the dump files in \Windows\Minidump folder (you can compress them)
  • if the issue is a crash, program stops responding or freezes please see this topic
  • if the issue is an error (not program crash or freeze) please run the dbgInfo.bat in installation folder and post the resulting cbu file.
  • Any other Additional Information (for example, any non-default settings used);[/font]
    I’ve attempted to included service dump file. However even after compressing it I get an error message telling me that it is too large. THe file is 109 MB uncompressed and just over 17 MB compressed, any suggestions? OBTW the location which these dump file get stored in is as I am sure you know is a hidden folder. Why not the “DESKTOP” for those users with no idea how to get to those hidden folders?

- Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit)
Windows XP Home, 32bit

- Other Backup & Security Software Installed
CIS only and Dropbox

- How you produced the problem
Remove the LAUNCH AT WINDOWS STARTUP option in Comodo Cloud Settings, then obviously Windows starts with no Comodo Cloud. But if the option is enabled again, Comodo Cloud will never start automatically at Windows Startup. It has to be started manually always.

- How you tried to resolve the problem

  1. Disabling and Enabling many times the option.
  2. Under "Settings’, clicked USE DEFAULT button.
  • Screen-shots with the error (if any)

  • if the issue is a BSOD, please post all the dump files in \Windows\Minidump folder (you can compress them)

  • if the issue is a crash, program stops responding or freezes please see this topic

  • if the issue is an error (not program crash or freeze) please run the dbgInfo.bat in installation folder and post the resulting cbu file.

- Any other Additional Information (for example, any non-default settings used)
LAUNCH AT WINDOWS STARTUP disabled (then after re-enabling, program will not launch at windows startup).


Welcome to the Forum :slight_smile:

If you could upload the compressed file to your Cloud Account using the Website, share it and then post the link, Emanuel or his team can then download it. Or you could do the same with Live Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Sugasync or any other service you might use :-TU

  • Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit)
    Windows 7 64bit

  • Other Backup & Security Software Installed
    Acronis True Image Home 2013

  • How you produced the problem
    Trying to create a sync within Acronis True Image Home 2013 Synchronization tool to sync between Folder in COMODO Cloud and C:Users\Name\Favorites folder.

  • How you tried to resolve the problem
    I created another sync with another cloud drive called Google drive and the folders synced and worked.

  • Screen-shots with the error (if any)

  • if the issue is a BSOD, please post all the dump files in \Windows\Minidump folder (you can compress them)

  • if the issue is a crash, program stops responding or freezes please see this topic

  • if the issue is an error (not program crash or freeze) please run the dbgInfo.bat in installation folder and post the resulting cbu file.
    cbu file uploaded with post.
    Error message in Acronis ‘Sync of folders failed’

  • Any other Additional Information (for example, any non-default settings used)
    Every time I try to browse my files in COMODO Cloud windows explorer take ages to show contents. Folders take ages to show their contents.

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You can try the latest version of CCloud 2.2 (which is in BETA stage). It contains improvements and fixes.


Is there any other way to no wait time when i clicked Comodo Disk drive? My file explorer always waits for a response from Comodo Disk on Windows 8 (x64)

Also a local folder syncronization capable version (Like Dropbox or etc.) of Comodo CLoud Disk may be more useful than this version for me.


Hi ozmeen,
Welcome to the Forum.

If you try CCloud 2.2 beta

What’s new (compared to

  • Windows 8 compatibility;
  • Improved CCloud drive browsing speed using cache;
  • Improved CCloud upload speed using cache;


HI Dolphin66,

I would unload it to my Cloud account if I could use it. I’ll see what I can do later this week as I would like to get this resolved before I go on vacation.

Hi Dolphin66,

I have set up Cloud on my laptop running VISTA Ultimate 32 bit and I cannot duplicate the problem I am having with my 64 bit machine.

Seeing as I just set up the laptop I’m thinking it may be too early to hope that it is stable. I’ll keep you posted. At least I can get you the dump file through my laptop. I’ll send it along as soon as I can find the USB drive I put it on.