COMODO Cloud for Windows - 2.1.0 BETA Released!


We are happy to announce that COMODO Cloud 2.1.0 BETA was released to public.
An Android version for COMODO Cloud is also available here.

What’s new (compared to 2.0.7)

  • COS drive is treated as removable drive
  • new balloon messages which work on XP also
  • product name was changed to “Comodo Cloud”
  • fixed issues when logging in/out from CB an COS program didn’t changed it’s state
  • option to set preferred drive letter for COS
  • option to set whether COS client should start at computer start-up.
  • option to view and delete the synchronized folders with COS

What’s fixed & improved (compared to 2.0.7)

  • long and special characters passwords
  • if internet connection drops COSclient relogins automatically
  • No popup message displayed when an upload is successfully completed
  • some translation errors
  • COSService.exe crash when signing out from the COS account
  • COS client crash when attempting to close the login screen while logging in
  • upload operation failing for multiple print screen uploads
  • Comodo Cloud automatically relogins after resuming from standby/hibernation/internet connection lost
  • other minor issues

Known issues:

  • sometimes COMODO Cloud may take longer to initialize
  • “eject” the Cloud Drive doesn’t work;
  • if COMODO Cloud is installed over a previous installation of COMODO Online Storage: start-menu entries from the previous installation are not removed, the desktop shortcut for COMODO Online Storage is still available and points to an unexisting file; in windows explorer. under the “favorites” group there are 2 shortcuts (Comodo Cloud and Comodo Online Storage) and both point to the mounted Cloud drive;
  • the Drop Zone is improperly displayed after it is disabled and then enabled via the contextual menu from the Cloud system tray icon;
  • sometimes, the uploaded print-screens have 0 bytes;
  • the “launch at windows start-up” sometimes may not work properly
  • 120dpi GUI issues for the notification window;
  • windows explorer may hang or crash sometimes during operations with the Cloud Drive or during uploads via the Drop Zone;
  • sometimes, COSService.exe crashes after consecutive uploads via the Drop Zone or when having concurrent operations with the Cloud Drive;
  • sometimes the download for Geek Buddy may not work properly;

Bug Reports:

Please use this topic to report your bugs. Our moderators collect these bugs and submit them to the devs.

BETA NOTICE: This product is intended for special users (BETA Testers) who would like to join the testing process. It may contain major bugs that could cause serious problems and not be suitable for your everyday use yet. Please do not use it in your production machines.

Download Location:

Setup for Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows 2003 Server 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows XP 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows 2008 Server 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit:

Download link:

Setup file size & checksums:
14.47 MB (15179160 bytes)
MD5: 5078E20D045CF527480E090E4292B5A6
SHA1: 23564C57D9C9CA1C8AF32046C251D5ED6F7DFC7C

excellent work guys!! is going to be one amazing service!!! Amazing, amazing features to come…very very cool…now need some for my wife’s IPAD :wink:

congrats on the new releases. seeing a lot of new stuff from comodo. now waiting for the 2 big releases ccav and cis v6.

keep the great work comodo