2. IMPORTANT: I’ve noticed that every time CCLOUD synchronizes, it sends ALL files again to the server wasting useful bandwidth (specially if a user has videos and pictures).
Shame… I uninstalled this product from all my Androids and accepted the offer from Dropbox for 100GB free for a year. Sad because I preferred COMODO over Dropbox. But nobody seems to be managing this product or addressing the bugs we report (see above).
Hi I have a Samsung Gallexy S3 on sprint Installed cloud and never stored any file. I noticed my battery dying faster than normal and about 15 days after installing I looked what was killing bat. I noticed about 100 gigs of background data being used by cloud. I uninstalled asap.
No jail break
have Google drive installed
Have no possible idea what it was doing none at all. I have Comodo battery saver also installed.
I cannot figure out how it could use that much data! I only have a couple of pics and 3 small videos of my daughters graduation.
THE ONLY THING I CAN FIGURE is the battery saver turns of mobile data and wifi at night then signs back in in the am.
Comodo cloud must send everything over and over again every time it logs in. so if used with your battery saver it will waste bat AND MOST OF ALL DATA!!! I use Comodo firewall on my home computer and like it so when I got an android phone I recognized the name so gave it a try. IT HAS MAJOR MAJOR PROBLEMS