Please share your findings about Comodo Cloud Antivirus Reviews and Test results under this topic. This will make all things together and easy to find :-TU Let’s share them…
Firstly, it is a trusted application. In some unexpected scenario, you would like to kill the process. Besides that, an unknown application is unable to terminate. More over, tampering is not allowed (eg with GUI).
Secondly, using such restrictions translates as no process monitoring in general. This is common behavior among oher vendors. The user won’t be able to report process hangs caused by your graphics driver for example.
and many others.
This is one of the risks of practicality or lists of trusted applications.
Fortunately or unfortunately this is not the exclusive problem of COMODO >:-D
I believe it was designed this way by the developers, when you want, you can stop processes. in your opinion, a virus (malware) can kill comodo? in 6 years of using comodo i never saw this think happening.
im honestly not sure how CCAV is designed. I would think it would be different since it doesnt have the HIPS functionality of CIS. The most important thing to test is if CCAV can be killed by a known or unknown application.
It depends on your configuration and if you are using administrator rights. It is possible with ‘Internet Security’ configuration if I remember correctly.
It would require a process with high privilege level (eg System). I assume that CCAV does not use such privileges. It’s safer (eg prevents privileges escalation), less resources intensive, etc.