Comodo Cloud Antivirus - v1.16.435786.648 - RC

Hi All,
Thank you for all the feedback on previous Beta v642, here is the final RC version 1.16.435786.648:
Size: 9.53 MB (9,996,320 bytes)
MD-5: ac8c4418a9c470eaf60f3fd667f3d66d
SHA-1: b49a4feb40a68a6209f99e5dc5b21a7e233a91f7

If you don’t want to do fresh installation, alternately you can also have following hosts entries:

and use manual updater option and update to this version.

On top of previous beta release, following is only change:

  • SkypeBrowserHost.exe is also added to “File Downloaders” group in “Launcher Applications”.

Unless we can find a blocker, we will be releasing this early next week.

Please share your valuable feedback.


Updated - running everything as normal. No problems

Same here.


The beta version was better than the stable version on my system regards I/O read bytes.
I haven’t tried the RC.
It looks final version will be here soon. I am looking forward to the final version.

Hi All,
Thank you for all the feedback.

We have released v650 in production:

Please check it out.
