Comodo Cloud Antivirus 1.2.392126.236B is Released!!!

Hello Friends,

I would like to importantly emphasize that team is working on the maintanence of Valkyrie server that is for CCAV.Valkyrie is the best solution to analyse your unknown files ! We will fix all the issues on Valkyrie side soon !

Once the problems solved, you will get the results of analysis for each unknown file. Please note that by doing this we are protecting you !! If you have not installed CCAV, you would be living with unknown files on your computer freely living on your end now. Thanks to our Default Deny technology, CCAV did not let “Unknowns” in!

Please wait to get your analysis results, they will come soon, we are hardly working on it !

Kind Regards

People are not happy, do Valkyrie urgently.

Thank you, full scan now works without a glitch.

Problems connecting to the Internet, there is no

P.S. I noticed that little by little Valkyrie begins to scan files

Files are now progressively getting analysed on my machine now (Win 7 x64) , which is very good news :-TU

I think we will may have to await the new cloud servers to speed up the rating scan. Though possibly when the backlog of scan requests clears over the next 24h things will improve.

If I were you I would try the option to run the scan in the background.

Kind regards


Actually rating scan now going faster here (UK) on both win 7 and Win 8.1

Both machines ~ 4mins for c1500 files!


More files processed by Valkyrie too :-TU


RadiocentSetup.exe file Valkyrie defined as malicious … this is not so. How to send a file as a false positive?

I cant use the CCAV, I dont have any connections to the Valkyrie.

Why Pending 233 Files?

Hello Hesio ,

During the maintanence, we expect the server to be on/off from time to time. It will be fixed soon. Thank you very much for your patience.

Btw, you can use CCAV still, you might have internet connection problem as it is written on the status.

Kind Regards

I did a trial at my wifes notebook and this version is running great. Some issues on valkyrie side (slow and etc) but I configure CCAV to not send files automaticaly, so… all great here…

I think that CCAV is the best companion for any notebook. For desktop my guess its for continue to use cis… atleast for now…

the nb is running windows 10 pro x64 th2 1511_2 updated rtm.

Hi vitim,

Thank you for your feedback. :-TU

We will evaluate your suggestion, could you also drop a wsih report for this ?

Thanks in advance !

Kind Regards

Comodo is working on it:

i notice some fps drops while heavy gaming. im on a high-end gaming pc. still some laggs in game. uninstalled and all is normal again.

Clean win10 install without other avs.

Hi BuketB. It would be great if we have an option to mark files trusted by ourselfes instead of relying on valkyrie only.

Sometimes we have a file that ccav grab as unknow and pend it to be selnt to valkyrie, but sometimes we know these files and dont want to wait for valkyrie veredict (or we dont have the time to wait for it), so if we could mark these files as trusted and ccav dont send these files as they where whiteliste by the user, this could be awesome. In fact, I beleave that this should be a feature inside ccav and this feature should comes in ccav from the version 1.0. Please, consider add this feature for us, your users. CIS have this kind of thing and its great.

With this option, if a user configure ccav to not automaticaly send files to valkyrie, he can mark some files as trusted and this will solve a lot of problems. The bandwidth that will not be used by ccav, the aditional ram and cpu resources that will not be used and the time that will be short if the user know the file.

Are Valkyrie verdicts permanent? I mean, once file gets rated by Valkyrie, is this rating stored in a rating cloud? Meaning, once file gets a verdict, if I copy this file to another computer with CCAV or re-install CCAV, the file will be instantly trusted via rating in a cloud?


Thats the porpouse of cloud rating. And thats one of the reasons I just posted an wish request for local user white listing of files…

EDIT.: Once the files is sent to valkyrie and gets its verdict, the file is now in the valkyrie cloud file arquiteture so any ccav user will take advantage of the veredict of this file.

So if valakyrie mark as trusted a malicious file everyone gets infected forever? fantastic xD >:-D

Teşekkürler Comodo! Teşekkürler Melih ve Ekibi! Comodoyu her geçen gün daha cok seviyor ve tavsiye ediyoruz. Sizlerle beraber yeniden heyecanlanıyoruz.

Comodo gerçek bir aile! Gerçek bir güvenilir!

That’s a risk of white/blacklisting. Mistakes happen. We have to do all we can to minimize them as much as we can.

I tried the software behind an http/https proxy server, but it could not connect to the cloud.
Is it possible that the 1.2 version does not (yet?) obey system proxy settings?
Or do you still need to implement proxy support? I did not find a setting in the AV where I could configure a specific proxy server.

Wrong…not forever!

Security is Risk mitigation…There is no 100% security…its all about which security posture will minimize the risk.
Default Deny posture posture will minimize the risk when compared with default allow posture. I mean, i don’t think there is any security professional out there who will say default allow is a better security posture…it simply is accepted. However, default deny posture was not a reality until now due to practicality issues etc. It is now.