how do I clean my computer from virus?
I also want to know the answer to that question.
The bases of CIS 5.8-5.12 are the same as on CIS v6. If I am not mistaken CCE bases are the same.
FYI It’s fully documented (dump files etc) at 465 in the mods tracker.
Best wishes
It’s been a while since we received an update. Is everything OK with this program. Can I still rely on it ?
I think you can get an updated version through CIS 6.
Hi! The download link for CCE points to that contains (surprise!) CCE ver.2.4.225190.192 . And it asks for update to newest version just after start, of course.
Fix the link please!
I downloaded both the 32 and 64 bots versions but both have version number 2.5. I am in the Netherlands. Could people from other parts of the world download and see what version they get served?
I just downloaded both 32 and 64 bit versions here in the U.S. and both were v2.5.242177.201.
Downloaded from: Advanced Website Protection for Unmatched Cyber Defense
Edited link since obfuscated links are not allowed. – JoWa
Shouldn’t this version be CCE 6.3 like what you get with CIS? Can’t figure that one out. Another good reason to use CIS.
I meant that older 2.4.x version was downloaded instead of released 2.5.x . I visted the main page of comodo’s and followed the link:
And there the link to ССE downloading brought me ССE ver. 2.4.x instead of fresh ССE ver. 2.5.242177.201 released.
To be launched ССE immediately asked for update, therefore I had to download ССE again (already proper product version). WHY should users download files twice?
Whether older ССE detects x32 or x64 OS is installed and then gives proper link to update?
And archive name was (But that wasn’t too important. IMHO)
I downloaded from the links in the topic start.
before i d.l. cce i was using kiosk and now its not called kiosk its called “virtual desktop” any difference? and also i ran cce scan, its different than comodo scan i used on cis. anr these 2 scans the same? ----confused
CCE is much more advanced in what it can clean than the scanner in CIS. If you have persistent or suspect rootkit infections CCE is the way to go.
Kiosk is now called virtual desktop.
How do I tell if it unzipped? How do I initiate use of these utilities. Please excuse me, I’m a newbie.
Where it is possible to download old versions of CCE?
Why CCE is not updated as a separate program (CCE version 2.x, version of CCE in CIS 7.x)?
We don’t know why.