COMODO Cleaning Essentials 2.3.219500.176 Released

Hello Everyone,

COMODO Cleaning Essentials 2.3 build 176 has been released. There are some minor bug fixes and UI improvements in this release.

What’s new in CCE 2.3.219500.176?

NEW Checking for program updates
FIXED Terminated process is shown in process view of KillSwitch as light-red in some cases
FIXED 8G memory is not shown correctly in system information page of KillSwitch
FIXED Memory leaks in LoadedModules view of KillSwitch
FIXED Paths of some kernel modules are not parsed correctly in KillSwitch
FIXED Rundll32 arguments are not parsed correctly in Autorun Analyzer

Download Locations:
32 Bit Operating Systems

64 Bit Operating Systems


Thanks Egemen and CCE team, downloading now :-TU

Ya sweet release, thanks Comodo! :-TU

Downloading now
wish CIS could be updated and fixed so quickly

Russian doesn’t work. The coding is brought down.

windows x32 and x64

Why KillSwitch shows version 2.4?

Previous version Autoanalyzer showed everything safe. This version shows 1 unknown. I think the file is safe & related to Dell, right?

Attached is the screenshot.


Edit - After restarting the system tried again & now everything is safe, fine now.

[attachment deleted by admin]

I just had ran Killswitch and Autoanalyzer and once again as always expected with the fine products of Comodo, Nothing Hostile whatsoever on my system!

Albeit for a couple of “unknown” files. Which are only because I run a couple of nonmainstream programs on my system that are not registered through Comodo.

Is there a way to submit those unknown files through Autoanalyzer to Comodo for authorization to their list?

Roger :slight_smile:

:110: :rocks: :love:

nice work guys :wink:

KS is always one version ahead of CCE, so far :slight_smile:

Great job, guys! :-TU

I hope next week we’ll have CIS 5.9 on the menu… ;D

great job comodo :-TU

has anyone tried the new check for updates feature?

i downloaded cce then try to check for updates and it said it was update to date but its still at sig. 1 but i did notice that cce is downloading in the background. shouldnt the check for updates show the progress

Cool. Congrats with the new release… :slight_smile:

check for update is for upgrade to latest version not update database

oops i read the OP to fast i missed “check for program updates” lol

Can we have the check for update database in the next release version even if we didn’t start the scanning.

Good job~ “check for program updates” :-TU :-TU

Isn’t the check for updates was there in the previous version? My CCE was showing 2.3…175 version. Guess was automatically installed. I had installed 2.2…172.

Where is this new check for updates & what it is for?


I don’t think that previous versions were updated automatically. My question is whether now it only shows info about update or can update itself?

It informs you about new version and allows to download it.

does anyone knows when will cis version 5.9 come out ? regards!