Comodo CIS + Install4j problem

We have built a Java application (based on Java 1.6) and we are distributing it for Win32 environments using the Install4J installation and execution environment.

When we install the program in a system with Comodo CIS installed, it is not possible to run the executable files, and we receive an error message stating that “The JVM could not be started”.

The error appears even if we disable Defense+, Antivirus and Firewall.

If we uninstall Comodo, the executables run perfectly (no reinstallation required).

If we install on a machine without CIS it works. If we then install CIS, it stops working.

Even with the three components disabled (Defense+, Firewall, AV) Comodo is still blocing something in the system.

Some further data:

  • Windows XP 32. Tested on SP3 and SP2 machines.
  • Comodo 3.11, although the behavior was also present with the original Comodo.
  • Install4J 4.2

No other security software installed, this has been tested in different WinXP32 machines. No events are registered in Comodo’s logs or in the system events log.