Comodo > defense+ > Paramètres de contrôle de l’exécution image > Exclusions

Add “c:\windows\system32\net.exe” and “c:\windows\system32\net1.exe”

Is work in my Windows 7 x64 ! … OK in version 5.09 !

Thanks SwissSteph for the update. I added both net.exe and net1.exe to the exclusions list. I also did the same in SysWOW64. I rebooted and still had the same issue (login success, immediate disconnect). We’ll keep looking!

Win 7 x64
Comodo 3.14.130099.587
WinSSHD 5.08

hummm ??? … for my is OK with 5.08 and 5.09 … but not with 5.15 ! … with 5.15 = login success and immediate disconnect.

I was just problems with the 5.15 and in wondering why I had the idea of replacing an older version (5.07), then I found the 5.08, then 5.09 … and “putty” works as before

Sorry I have no other idea

I would just like to say that I’m having the same problem, and using freesshd works as an alternative for tunneling and terminal. Though freesshd’s SFTP has some issues, though if you don’t use SFTP, then it’s not an issue.

I am surprised ???

With Comodo Firewall 3.x (+ a small change could explained above) and WinSSHD 5.09 → OK

With Comodo Firewall 4.x (unchanged) and WinSSHD 5.09 → OK

My tests are as:

A connection to a Windows PC (putty) and a Ubuntu Linux PC (ssh) and both work …

Would be interested to know if disabling guardxx.dll and rebooting helps. Details here.

Also (separate test) if you disable Defense plus permanently (D+ settings) and reboot does it work?

Best wishes


Hi Mouse1,

Test Comodo 4.1150349.920
Winsshd 5.18 = last version (11 june 2010)
Putty 0.60
Windows 7 pro x64

  1. Comodo → only use commande “quitte” → ERROR with Putty, cut connection !
  2. Comodo → "disable guard32.dll + guard64.dll → reboot → Putty OK
  3. Comodo → “disable permanently Defense+” (but guard32.dll + guard64.dll not disable manualy with “microsoft sysinternals autoruns” !) → reboot → Putty OK

I have not done my tests with version 5.09 that works with comodo 4.1.x without modification.

Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand my explanation.


Your english is very clear. Thanks for trying this.

So this is another guardxx.dll issue, and can be reported to devs as such.

If you want to run an affected version, disabling guard32 leaves you with more protection than disbling D+

You can also try running WinSSHD using ‘run a program in the sandbox’. This will help to narrow down the issue if it works.

Also always worth trying putting CIS D+ in learning mode, rebooting then running the app if you have not tried this already.

Finally you can try defining winsshd as an installer/updater in D+, but only if you don’t ever use it to run unknown software

Best wishes


Thank you for the advice

  1. “Sandbox” does not work for WinSSHD 5.18

  2. can you back this new bug to the developers (my English is not good enough to be able to explain clearly the problem)?

  3. For me, I stay in WinSSHD version 5.09 which works perfectly

  4. “CIS D + in learning mode” does not work for WinSSHD 5.18

Thanks for testing much appreciated. Will pm the devs.

Just to check, did you use ‘RUN a program in the sandbox?’

Best wishes


Could everyone please submit the information requested: here.

Many thanks


too complicated for me, I must translate each sentence (english to french) and then translate in the other direction (french to english) :-\

Developers can do the same tests as I no problem with Vmware, winsshd 5.18 (free), windows 7 pro x64

Sorry :-[

Ne t’inquete pas! Il y a beacoup de utilisateurs dans ce [topic?]. Pardonnez ma francais!


Thanks for testing much appreciated. Will pm the devs.

Just to check, did you use ‘RUN a program in the sandbox?’ NOT ‘ADD a program to the sandbox’. If not could you try it please if you have a moment.

Best wishes


I do not know how ???

WinSSHD is started early in the boot of Windows, I do not know how AFTER launched in your sandbox with ‘RUN a program in the sandbox?’ ???

Sorry :-\

Thanks Steph for trying. You’ll need to kill WinSSHD, using windows task manager (Control Alt Delete), then re-start it using Defense+ ~ Sandbox ~ ‘Run a’. Try running it a) limited b) unrestricted. Make sure you have saved anything you need first in (unlikley) case of a crash.

Best wishes and many thanks


It is not possible. WinSSHD is a complex program, I can not “start”

[attachment deleted by admin]

That’s OK. No worries. Over to the devs now…

Best wishes


Would anyone be willing to try this with the CIS version 5 beta?

Best wishes


Yes, I can test. Where can I download the version 5 beta?