Comodo & BiT Defender

I would like to know, please, if I can install COMODO Firewall wit h Bit Defender Antivirus?

Thanks in advance…

Yes you can. I had Bit Defender 2008 and Comodo CFP3 and everything was fine (:WIN)

Well … you can

Of course if you use the full security suite you will have to disable your firewall , otherwise there will be a great batlle,

Bitdefender VS Comodo

NP with the normal antivirus :slight_smile:

I tried to install Comodo FW on an existing “Bitdefender Antivirus 2008” (only av, no fw from bitdefender). System Status of the Firewall is red after installation and at the bottom i have the message “The network firewall is not runnig properly!”
Runnig diagnostic reports that everything is fine.
Sideeffect: Starting up Firefox or anything else takes hours.

WinXPsp3 on INTELX6800


I just installed Bitdefender V10 Free, the one without resident scanner, and had to notice that Bitdefender installs socketspy.dll INSTEAD of guard32.dll that belongs to Comodo Firewall :THNK
It seems to be related to winsock.

What does that imply?