comodo backup on dvd rw

sorry for my bad bad english…
i have scheduled a backup of my files on DVD RW, the backup is started and
i received an email that say the backup is ok but if i browse my dvd there is nothing!
To put it better i think that the backup is ok, my dvd contains my backupped files but
i don’t see them if i explore it!
Can you help me?
Thank you.

Ciao gianluca,

It seems there’s a problem with DVD support:

We hope it’ll be fixed in the next release, can you help us with the technical datas, please?
Operating system+user rights, DVD hardware name, DVD disk name/type, etc.

Also, it may happen in your case that the disk is not finalized, can you check it from dvd writer applications? (eg. nero burning room demo, etc.)


hey Ark
the o.s. is winxp (sp2) and my user ihas administrator’s right.
DVD RW Philips SPD2400L1 (IDE) and the
media is a verbatim dvd rw (usually it’s ok )…
I don’t know but Comodo backup write to dvd by Nero?


No, i meant to try a program like nero to check out the dvd disk’s contents. Earlier i found programs which just did the same: under the windows explorer or any other file manager i couldn’t see the files but right after i wanted to write new files onto the dvd by nero i could see all the files i thought were disapeared. Soon as i finalized the disk i could see all the files. So, i just recomended nero (just try a demo) to see if this is the same case. I guess there’s a topic somewhere where the user (actually, i think it was a moderator but i couldn’t find it, yet) were happy cause he could continue the writing process.



Reason: Out-Dated post.
