We are happy to announce the COMODO Backup was released to public.
What’s new (compared to
- Windows 8 compatibility;
- Inclusion and exclusion filters now work for paths;
- Previously created backups that are listed in recent activities can now be loaded with all settings;
- System tray notifications for scheduled backups that run in silent mode and service mode;
- Comodo Dragon browser backup support;
- Improved CCloud drive browsing speed using cache;
- Improved CCloud upload speed using cache;
- Status bar (near tray) to indicate that online storage cache is upload/download or in error state;
- CB has tree view selection in Backup Step 1 (Advanced mode);
- Load backup settings from script;
What’s fixed & improved (compared to
- Improved and smoothened the backup progress;
- Fixed backup progress correlation issues;
- Random errors shown when CCloud server was down;
- Right click menu issues;
- Issue with CB freezing/not responding properly;
- Unintuitive “An error occurred” messages that sometimes appeared;
- Issues related to last backup;
- Some speed improvements for cbu backup/restore to/form CCloud;
- Fixed “Contextual shell extension features do not work when CB is already launched”.
- Fixed restore recent backups issue “the source file is missing”;
- Fixed bug with restoring a multiple snapshots incremental backup to a new destination → external USB drive ;
- Fixed bug in disk/partition restore when reallignment could be done outside the disk size;
- Fixed bug with restore options that could have changed on a second retry of the restore process;
- Fixed overlapping notifications;
- Fixed issue with high processor usage for Synchronization Service reported here: https://forums.comodo.com/beta-corner-cb/comodo-cloud-for-windows-22117-beta2-bug-reports-t89139.0.html;msg643484#msg643484;
- Fixed issue with sync from CCloud when server modification date is invalid;
- Fixed shortcuts tab display synchronization issues;
- Improved backup retry mechanism in case of failure;
- Fixed download file from CB and CCloud client simultaneously;
- Fix some synchronization problems between advanced and simple mode on backupstep1;
- Fixed issues with login/logout for shell extension operations not being correlated to CB`s GUI;
- Synchronized drive state between online step 2 and shell extension;
- Fixed unmount ccloud drive functionality when only CBU is installed;
- Fixed issue with “The schedule cannot be run yet.”
- Fixed issue with oriental chars reported by user here: https://forums.comodo.com/beta-corner-cb/comodo-backup-42022-beta-bug-reports-t88344.0.html;msg637028#msg637028;
- Fixed unmount shell ext cmd not being shown only when CB is installed;
- Fixed issue with missed tasks rerunning when choosing not to rerun reported here: https://forums.comodo.com/beta-corner-cb/comodo-backup-42022-beta-bug-reports-t88344.0.html;msg636868#msg636868;
- Fixed some issues related to mirroring;
- Added confirmation when deleting a profile if user wants to delete associated schedules;
- Some fixes for manage which took longer than expected to load all activities;
- Fixed issue with running backups in service mode reported here: https://forums.comodo.com/news-announcements-feedback-cb/comodo-backup-4140-bug-reports-t85993.0.html;msg625108#msg625108;
- Fixed ccloud issue when user changed his password, then new attempts to login failed, if already logged in.;
- Fixed issue reported by user here: https://forums.comodo.com/news-announcements-feedback-cb/comodo-backup-4140-bug-reports-t85993.0.html;msg623678#msg623678;
- Notify the user when there are less than 7 days left until his Ccloud account expires;
- Fixed free/total space issue for local hardware when cbu backup was mounted;
- Fixed progress issue which sometimes got to 100% before finalizing operations;
- Fixed issue with progress bar which was not reset when backup/restore process failed at 1% or more;
- Fixed crash in disk backup reported here: https://forums.comodo.com/news-announcements-feedback-cb/comodo-backup-4140-bug-reports-t85993.30.html;
- Fixed space required update from CB’s setup;
- Fixed continuous loop with native restore reported here: https://forums.comodo.com/news-announcements-feedback-cb/comodo-backup-4140-bug-reports-t85993.0.html;msg615290#msg615290;
- Fixed mount when one of the source item was deleted in an incremental backup;
- Implemented disk priority level in simple copy backups/restores;
- Fixed issues with not being able to remove password from a custom profile;
- Fixed issues with restore process ignoring disk full status;
- Fixed issue with restoring files over other read only files;
- Disabled pause button if the user aborted the backup, and enabled the button at the next backup start;
- Folders disappear from the “Online Storage” after uploading files into them;
- The progress counter displayed when executing backups for the predefined profiles is not correlated with the backup operation;
- “Last Backup” does not display the selection for “Files and Directories” and “Registry Files” backups previously created;
- Contextual shell extension features do not work when CB is already launched;
- Backup fails with status 53 when running custom profiles for which the destination was edited and changed to “Online Storage”;
- The message “Only one folder at a time can be synchronised” is displayed when attempting to reach Step2 while having one folder checked in Step1;
- Issues with restore now, restore recent activities;
- Automatically expands folders tree for selected backup files;
- Incorrect behaviour when viewing the custom profiles resulted from different schedules set for the same source items;
- 26 characters limitation in the Cloud dialog for the “Username” editbox when performing a schedule task and the user is prompted to log in;
- The message “Select at least one item to backup” is displayed when attempting to create a backup for the “Registry Files” when CB is set to the simple mode;
- The message “The source file is missing” is returned when attempting to perform restore operations for cbu backups stored on the Online Storage;
- Missing drive content when mounting files and directories backups for partitions;
- GUI issues are visible in the schedule notification window;
- The message “Select at least one item to backup” is displayed when attempting to go to Step2 for “Files and directories” backups;
- CB does not start and a “Server busy” dialog is continuously being displayed;
- Backup Step2 can be reached without selecting any items in Backup Step1;
- GUI issues are visible when clicking the “less options” button;
- CB does not display any notifications when feedback is being sent back to the user;
- Missing destination partitions when creating mirror backups;
- The message “Geek Buddy is installing. Please wait…” is continuously being displayed;
- Incremental backups are created when the names for the source folders are almost identical;
- The “Synchronize Data” option from “Shortcuts” does not work;
- Attempting to download items previously uploaded to the “Online Storage” does not work;
- The “Clear recent activity” button disappears when clicked;
- Sync jobs fail with status 9;
- Sfx cbu backup jobs fail with error code 84;
- Multiple folders named “New folder” can be created on the “Online Storage”;
- The “Default Settings” button disappears after creating a backup;
- A dialog is displayed when setting the destination for 1-way/2-way syncs and simple copy;
- Missing schedule button from backup step1;
- The checkbox for “use local cache to store files…” is always unchecked;
- Deleteing items from local hardware (online storage tab) is not working;
Known Issues
- The operating system does not start after performing a restore operation scheduled in native for “files and directories” .CBU backups for the system partition;
- Scheduled tasks for files and directories and registry entries don’t work;
- CB hangs when attempting to display the window containing the backup in progress after accessing the “last backup” option;
- Issues when force-running CB as the current logged in user on Windows XP;
- Some GUI delays when fast switching between tabs;
- The backup size for partition backups after the second incremental is equal to 2 x backup size for the base backup;
- On some operating systems, the progress bar for partition or disk backup operations jumps from 0% to 100%;
Bug Reports:
Please use this topic to report your bugs. Our moderators collect these bugs and submit them to the devs.
Download Location:
Setup for Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows 2003 Server 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows XP 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows 2008 Server 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit:
Download locations:
Download link1:
Download link2:
Setup file size & checksums:
36.1 MB (37957672 bytes)
MD5: C753957AF8508E8319E81A5226781E26
SHA1: 7C85D8897C93CA2C11BC850D811CC5E281022CE1