COMODO Backup 4.1 BETA2 released!

It was with the first beta, and It was my own silly mistake when selecting an restore location. :embarassed:

There is still an GUI issue with the boot disk. It’s to wide for the screen.


1) Where can I change the default path to System Backup? In settings I have S:\BACKUP for example. When I press 'System Backup' from Home page I see 'Backup failed with code 143 (Internal error)'. CB tries to store system backup on drive M:\ (the largest but BitLocked drive

I have S:\BACKUP as default location for backups in Settings! CB tries to store system backup on drive M:. As I understand CB select the largest partition. But in my situation drive M:\ is encrypted.

It seems that CB failed to detect the environment properly in this case.
The issue will be fixed in next release.


This will be fixed in next release too.


When this issue happens please create a dump file so we can determine the cause and fix it.
Instructions can be found here.


feature of creating bootable using linux will be great… i don’t have fast internet connection to download 1.7 GB windows AIK

secondly disk cloning feature like that of easeus todo backup will be nice added feature…