COMODO BackUp 2.2.127000.12 released!

Why doesn’t this forum let me post a new thread? Its the wierdest i’ve ever been to.

I’m a new user of backup, and have been reading about it all day long. Does sync copy work now for anyone? Or is it pointless even installing it?

Can you verify if you can create a new one in the Backup - Help board here:

I used the older Comodo backup before, and could go to my external drive and explore the contents of the backup and retrieve items. On this new CB program, it doesn’t give me that option. I have to run another backup using BounceBack Express which will take me 24 hours to do this. HELP


The next release will bring the posibility to mount backups as virtual drive and explore them.


Hi Emanuel,

Any idea on when the “next release” will see the light of day?

Yes, I too would like to know as I really need the incremental backup capability.

I have some data trapped in a backup file on an external usb drive I can’t get to.

Do you have any idea of when we’ll be able to mount an external drive and restore from it or extract individual files from the backup file on our hard drive?



Please try the new Comodo BackUp 3.0 BETA.


Can I backup to a CDRW/DVRW disk? Does the disk need to be formatted (like a floppy), or can it use the native format of a CDRW/DVDRW (multisession)?

Another question, I am new to the forum, how can I post new questions (don’t see any button or link to do this, only the Reply button)?


Hi ahpitre,

Welcome to the forums!
Unfortunately I don’t have the answer to your first question, but I do for the second.

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