
Please tell me first what version are you using? or We can offer support only for If you are using the latest beta version , please give us more details about the issue: what options did you use for backup, what files did you backup. Also, please tell us what other programs do you have installed. Thank you for your support.


Can you please tell me what are the steps used to make the backup? Also, what options did you use and what software do you have installed?

Thank you for your support.


What filesystem do you have on the partition where you want to restore the backup? Fat 32 or ntfs?

Thank you for your support!

Hi vraciua

Step 1. Open CBU and click on “backup selection type” Files and Directories.
Step 2. Open C:\Documents and Settings\John\Application Data\ and put check marks in Adobe and Apple Computer.
Step 3. Clicked Next, Backup Type - Full, Archive Type - None. No password protection or split backup.
Step 4. Clicked Next. Backup Path - My Computer E:\CBU1. Named B/U “Test2.cbu”
Step 5. Clicked Next. No scheduled backup.
Step 6. Clicked Next. Backup ran with no errors.
Step 7. Deleted Folder “Apple Computer” in C:\Documents and Settings\John\Application Data
Step 7. Clicked Restore Tab and my backup at E:\CBU1\Test2.cbu
Step 8. Clicked Next. Restore method - clean Restore. Verify Image - verified successfully.
Step 9. Clicked Next. What do you want to restore? - checked “Apple Computer” - Restore to default location.
Step 10. Clicked Next. That is when the error message in the screenshot appeared.

I also tried a variation of deleting the files only in the “Apple Computer” folder with the same results.

-Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit); XP Home 32bit.

  • Other Backup & Security Software Installed; CIS 3.8, Comodo Backup

I am including a txt report from cfp-v3config.hta



[attachment deleted by admin]

My file system is NTFS on all partitions.


Hi guys, i have an encoding problem (screenshot attached)

And, by the way, are you going to support pidgin IM?

OS: WinXp SP3

[attachment deleted by admin]

Is the problem persistent?
We will take Pidgin into consideration for a future release.

Thank You.

Yes, it happens each time i run a program, and after rebooting as well.


Can you tell me what software products are located in Adobe and Apple Computer folders? And what service pack is installed in your operating system?

Thank you for your support!


Do you have any additional language pack(s) installed in your operating system besides English?

Thank you for your support!

Yes. Russian

I have XP home 32 Bit SP2

Files in the two folders are as follows:

Adobe\Flash Player\AssetCache\3EKGZQBN
AF07B46903A6C5D87A24725CB7D50DE352A0383C.heu 1 KB and AF07B46903A6C5D87A24725CB7D50DE352A0383C.swz 526 KB and
cacheSize.txt 1 KB

Adobe\Shockwave Player 11
dirapi.mch 17 KB and
Shockwave Log 18 KB

Other folders in Adobe are empty

Apple Computer\QuickTime
QTPlayerSession.xml 3 KB and
SoftwareUpdateFiles.dll 342 KB

These are all the files that are in the B/U


This happen with
I had selected (back up selection type) System
Archive type: maximum
Back up path: C:/Backup
Please do take note that it was a test in Virtual PC 2007 sp1

i have CIS for security
7 zip


I tried to reproduce your problem on a test computer but the restoration worked fine. We would be grateful if you tell us all the programs installed on your computer to see if one of them locks the drive.

Thank you for your support!


The timer of the applications is calculated when the operations starts (in this case the backup process). If the size of some files is modified after the backup starts, then it’s very normal that the operation takes longer than the time displayed at the beggining.

Thank you for your support!


Please post a screenshot of the C partition properties window.

Thank you for your support!

Here it is


[attachment deleted by admin]

Here is the program list


[attachment deleted by admin]

I’m trying CBU and when it fails when I launch email account backup (outlook 2007).
My system is WinXP Pro SP3 Italian; Oitlook 2007 SP2

[attachment deleted by admin]

Did the program just crash unexpectedly or it just said and error has occurred and then you could continue on using it?I can’t figure out exactly what the attached screen shot means.

Thank You.