Comodo Antivirus to be able to SCAN Large files (i.e. 1GB .avi File)

Hi Developers,

REQUEST: Comodo Antivirus to be able to SCAN Large files (i.e. 1GB .avi File)

I do not understand why Comodo has put this limitation that I can NOT scan large video files (i.e. 1.5GB .avi, .mp4)


Have you ever found a virus that is avi file type?

Did you try what I posted in the other topic:

From what I understand you haven’t yet changed the manual scanning profiles.

The other thing to keep in mind is, viruses want to multiply and spread.
They cannot do this easily on large files.
Therefore, the default settings on file size limitation are quite valid, but can be changed by you the user to your preference.

Does CIS v5.12.256249.2599 have an option to change the manual file scanning size?

I could not see one

How about 100K people downloading a torrent file ??

Not sure I understand your reluctance to not want to scan all files on your system

I changed the default setting and it will not scan a 1Gb File

I am using CIS v5.12.256249.2599

I have set the size in the Scanner Setting as per the recommendation in the Help Menu
AntivirusScanner SettingsDo not scan files larger than (MB) = ‘999999999

When I do a manual scan (right click in Windows Explorer > Scan with COMODO Antivirus) it always says ‘Objects Scanned: 0

What setting am I supposed to change to allow me to scan a 1GB Files for viruses ??


The actual malware file that sometimes come with torrents are small. Even if a torrent is many gbs large that doesnt mean the actual malware is the same size. If CIS scans large files it will make realtime/on demand scanning take a really long time. In the time i have done malware testing (couple years) i have yet to see a malware sample larger than ~50mb.

EricJH has already responded in your other topics on how to change the settings.

Does CIS v5.12.256249.2599 have an option to change the manual file scanning size?

I could not see one

Hi verprusa12,
I would have presumed the settings and options to be very similar for 5.12 to that of 5.9/5.10.
Manual Scanning-Comodo Help
Real Time Scanning-Comodo Help
Scheduled Scanning-Comodo Help

Kind regards.

Hi Captainsticks,

I can’t be the only person to have this issue for v5.12

Do not scan files larger than - This box allows you to set a maximum size (in MB) for the individual files to be scanned during manual scanning.
Files larger than the size specified here, are not scanned (Default =40MB).

As per your link, I have set that setting exactly as per my previous post

I changed the default setting (see below) and it will NOT scan a 1Gb File

I am using CIS v5.12.256249.2599

I have set the size in the Scanner Setting as per the recommendation in the Help Menu
AntivirusScanner SettingsDo not scan files larger than (MB) = ‘999999999

When I do a manual scan (right click in Windows Explorer > Scan with COMODO Antivirus) it always says ‘Objects Scanned: 0

Sorry Comodo Team, but this looks like a serious bug as on v5.12 changing the setting does NOT allow me to scan a 1GB File

Are you only going Antivirus > Scanner Settings > Do not scan files larger than […] OR do you go Antivirus > Scanner Settings > Manual Scanning > Do not scan files larger than […] ?

What happens if you set it to that for all three tabs (Real-time, Manual and Scheduled)?

If it is a bug then it won’t be processed since development of version 5 has been discontinued since even version 8 has been released.

Do note that you did not use the required format.

This wish request would get rated as ‘value too low’ by devs. You should also note that you are able to modify these settings by yourself in order to suit your needs and it is unlikely that any security vendor would consider such settings as default due to some productivity reasons.

In the meantime, I will move this request to “Added/Rejected Wishes” section.

Thank you.