Comodo and IIS

Hi at all and thanks for your work.
I have a problem:
O.S. Win 8.1
Comodo last version
I have running a IIS web site on my pc but with the comodo firewall active I can not connect it from internet. I can open my web page from my same computer but not from external PC. Of course I have try and if the comodo firewall is disabled I can open my web page.
What can I do?
My previous installation with Win 8 and Comodo 5 work well without any action.

Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

You’ll have to add an exception rule to the firewall global rule list and application list, that will allow incoming TCP requests on port 80, possibly 443, if using https. As to what service/program is suppose to listen for the incoming connection, I am not that familiar with IIS, I use xampp for web development.

Thanks for your answer.
I have solved with the follows global rule

Set of ports HTTP

Is it correct?

Tnx again :wink: