Comodo and activesync


I didn’t find anything on activesync with the search function.

I’m currently unable to sync my smartphone (HTC Tytn) on my USB port with activesync 4.2 when comodo fw is active.

Going in the alow all mode, syncing is OK.

Currently I’ve got the following programs allowed :
rapimgr.exe Dest all Port all TCP/UDP in & out
astu.exe Dest all Port all TCP/UDP out
wcescomm.exe Dest all Port all TCP/UDP in

What else should I open ?

Thanks for your answer (:KWL)

Welcome, Bronco (:WAV)

There’s an entry regarding ActiveSync here:,6167.0.html. This is a locked compilation from the FAQs, with embedded links back to the original topics (where you can post your questions). The first post in the thread has links to each topic within, so you can go right to the ActiveSync section.

Hope this helps,